This week was a short week at school, having three days off to celebrate Thanksgiving. On Monday and Tuesday students spent some time kicking off our first history unit on Immigration. We tied this into our reading and writing, as students learned how to write a perfect paragraph using a "hamburger paragraph" model. It is known as a "hamburger paragraph" as the parts of the paragraph relates to the parts of a paragraph.
Students read three passages: The Mayflower, The Pilgrims, and The Wampanoag Tribe. We identified the parts of the passessages (topic sentence, details, conclusion) to determine if they qualified as a perfect paragraph. Then we read a book call The First Thanksgiving. Students were then asked to write their own paragraph about what they learned using a hamburger paragraph graphic organizer. On Tuesday, we read a more modern day Thanksgiving story called How Many Days to America by Eve Bunting. This story is about a family who flee their country after they have to hide from soldiers that show up with weapons. They travel across the ocean in a small boat with an hand stitched sail, hoping for a new life in America. When they finally see land, they are met by men in uniforms and are turned away. They are eventually met by people who welcome them to America and are invited to a feast: It is Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving is a good starting point for a history unit on Immigration. During this unit students will compare and contrast immigrants from the past to modern day immigrants.On Tuesday, students also shared what they are thankful for and then wrote a paragraph about what they are thankful for. In the afternoon we spent time playing a few games that may have been played by Pilgrim children and Native American children. We concluded out day by finishing an art project inspired by Wassily Kandinsky's famous painting "Squares with Concentric Circles".
As we resume school on Monday, I ask that you please keep in mind Governor Scott's mandate on restricting social gatherings. If you and your family have had a multi household gathering over the holiday, the school asks that you keep your child(ren) home for 7 days and then get a Covid test prior to returning to school. There will now be a question about this on the health screening in the morning.
Additionally, while we know students are together during the day at school, we ask that you remain vigilant and mindful about limiting interaction after school and on the playground. Your attention to this could help prevent the spread of illness in the community of Elmore and keep our school open for in-person instruction.
I hope you all had a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving. I know that this year has and continues to be particularly difficult as we navigate through this pandemic. It seems there may be hope on the horizon.
I have many things to be thankful for this year and you are all near the top of that list!