Saturday, June 4, 2022

Week 37

A peaceful view from the schoolyard this week.

This is a reflective time of the school year as we look back on all that we have accomplished  and memories we have made together.   This year presented many challenges as we navigated through another year of a pandemic.  Slowly things have become more "normal" again.  This year students were able to have desk partners, we were able to do some field-trips and outings, parents were invited to volunteer again, we were able to bring Friday Hot Lunches back, and masks became optional for students and staff and visitors.  On Friday Elmore 3rd graders visited MES 4th grade classes and Elmore Kindergarteners at MES visited the Elmore School.  It was an exciting and busy day, and a first for me!  It is privilege and a treat to get a sneak peek of next year's class!  The 1st and 2nd graders were great hosts to our guests as they guided them on a classroom scavenger hunt, and shared what makes the Elmore School so special. 

This week I administered the PNOA (Primary Numbers and Operations Assessment) to the 1st graders.  This assessment is given three times during the school year.  It is a lengthy assessment that is given 1-1 in an interview style.  I was proud of their effort and perseverance!   I am finishing up reading assessments and that will mark the end of all of the major assessments for the school year.  Phew!

This week our focus in science was Constellations.  Students have learned that constellations are groupings of stars (88 groups) that make imaginary images.  They learned how stars were used as a means of navigation during ancient times and the stars that are visible in the sky change by the seasons.  We concluded this lesson with a fun art project where students painted a night sky and created a name constellation.  

Friday we enjoyed Chicken Broccoli Pasta Alfredo for Hot lunch with "dirt" for dessert!  Thank you to the Audet's for providing us this delicious meal!  Next week will be our last Hot Lunch of the School year provided by the Batchelder's!  Hot lunch will be TUESDAY  next week.  School lunch will be available on Friday

I am hoping to do one more outing on Friday, June 10th.  Weather permitting, we will hike to the lookout on Elmore Mountain.  We will plan to eat a picnic lunch at the lookout before we hike back down the mountain.   If you would like to join us for this outing, please let me know.   We also have one more reading reward to squeeze in.  Stay tuned for more on this! 

The tree graft has a bud!

Announcements:(Not so many!)

  • Our last Library will be Monday.  All books are due back!
  • PE Tuesday and Friday - you need your sneakers and extra socks!
  • Please send slippers or an extra pair of indoor shoes for students to wear inside.
  • Hot Lunch Tuesday,  June 7th will be generously provided by the Batchelder Family
  • Email me school lunch orders for Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
  • The Last Day of School Tuesday, June 14, 2022
  • 3rd Grade Graduation/ Elmore School Family Picnic: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 from 5-7 @ Elmore State Park.   Please return the RSVP by June 7th.

Our Third Graders!


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The End!

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