Sunday, December 27, 2020

Week 17 -

 Sledding ~ Pajama Day ~ Secret Pals

We spent our short week putting the finishing touches on our Secret Pal projects, making soap (parent gift), and crafting cards. Tuesday was a fun day filled with laughter and good cheer!  We were lucky to have just enough snow for us to go sledding at the Elmore State Park in the morning.  After lunch we watched Frosty the snowman and ended the day with our Secret Pal Project reveal!  Students shared why they chose the project for their Secret Pal and something about their project they were proud of.  I was touch by the thoughtfulness of each students' remarks.  

Enjoy the following images from our day together on Tuesday!

Wishing you all a safe and happy New Year!
See you in 2021!!

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Week 16


Students making Latkes during Farm to School on Friday

The Elmore students were busy crafting and constructing this week as they worked on their Secret Pal projects.  As students worked on projects they: set goals, persevered, collaborated to help each other, shared their ideas, exhibited a positive growth mindset, and demonstrated tremendous creativity!  Our final step in completing our projects will be reflect.  So, while we took time away from our regular schedule, students are still growing as learners!  A project like Secret Pals allows students to work on developing their scholarly habits in an engaging, students centered classroom.  

In Math first graders are gaining understanding of the equal sign by comparing equivalent expressions (6+2 = 3+5); second graders are working on understanding place value units of ones, tens and hundreds and are counting on from a given number using increments of ones, tens and hundreds (count from 66-130: 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130); and third graders are working on using the distributive property of multiplication to solve a multiplication problem using arrays and number bonds models. 

On Friday, Ms. Molly came for Farm to School.  Students worked in small groups to peel, grate, measure and mix to make Latkes (a potato pancake traditionally eaten during Hanukkah).  Students sampled the Latkes with applesauce and/or sour cream.   

  • NO Library on Monday next week.
  • PE Tuesday.  Don't forget your sneakers!
  • Tuesday is Pajama Day!  Students may wear their PJ's or comfy-cozy clothes!
  • If there is still snow on the ground on Tuesday, we will go over to the State Park to go sledding.  Please bring a sled to school (if you have one) and make sure you have your snow gear!
  • NO School Thur. Dec. 24 - Fri. Jan 1 for December break. Students return to school on Jan 4, 2021!
  • We will be welcoming another third grade student to the Elmore School in January!  

Wishing you all a Safe and Happy Holiday Season 
as you find new ways to celebrate your family traditions. 


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Week 15


The weeks seem to be flying by these days!  This week was no exception!  As the first official day of winter draws near,  Lake Elmore transformed this week from a frigid surface of water to a smooth blanket of ice and snow.  Though we are still awaiting our first significant snow storm, the students have been enjoying the small amount of snow we had on the playground this week.  Students should come to school with snow pants and boots, hats and mittens or gloves.

This week we took a break from our regular Writer's Workshop as we worked on plans for the annual Secret Pals project.  As a new teachers at The Elmore School, it is important for me to continue some of the traditions that the school has, and Secret Pals projects are something the students look forward to every year.  This week students selected their "Secret Pal" by random draw.  They applied their non-fiction reading and writing skills to develop a written plan for their projects. Students were asked to consider their Secret Pal's likes and interests in choosing a project to make.  We will spend the next week creating our projects which we will give to our Secret Pal's prior to vacation.

In Math first graders continue using counting on strategies to solve for the missing addend.  Second graders concluded their second module in Eureka Math.  This week they worked to solve word problems involving measurement and used tape diagrams to model their mathematical thinking.  Third graders used arrays and tape diagrams to solve multiplication problems involving multiples of 4.  On Friday students learned how to play The Dreidel Game.

In science students learned how animals that live in groups communicate and work together to survive.  They used scientific field journals to record their observations and constructed explanations for the behaviors they observed after watching videos of animals who live in groups.

We continued learning about Colonial America as we began reading about what life was like in Colonial Williamsburg, VA.  

On Friday, we also finished reading Charlotte's Web by E.B. White.  This is such a beloved story, rich with language and imagery. The students looked forward to hearing a new chapter each day for the past few week.  I'm hoping we can watch the original movie in the next couple of weeks as students are close to earning their reading reward!  The students previous voted to watch a movie as a reward, so this will be a great connection.

Students explore resources to identify nonfiction text features.


You are now able to complete the Health Screening questionnaire on your own device!  Please bookmark the link Health Screening Form. You will need to sign into the public wifi @  TESPublic password 4Learning!   We will continue to take your child's temperature which you will need to enter into the form before you submit it.  If you do not have a device we will continue to do the screening for you and submit the form. 

It is helpful if students remove their hats prior to arrival as we have noticed some elevated temperatures as a result of being so bundled up in the warm car. 

Library is Monday.  Don't forget books and activity bags!

Be on time for PE on Tuesday and Thursday.  Students need sneakers!

We could use some tin cans for a few Secret Pal Projects.  If you have any cans in your recycling please send them on Monday.  We need a variety of sizes.

Vacation: December 24 - Jan. 1 (return to school Jan. 4th).  Dec. 23rd is a remote school day.  We will still have a morning meeting.

Last week third graders received dictionaries from the Rotary Club.  

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Week 14


A Bald Eagle graced us with it glory this week, giving us hope for the future!

This week in Literacy we focused on writing complete sentences.  We learned that every sentence needs to have a subject (person, place, or thing) and a predicate (an action or what the subject is doing).  Students worked in small groups to create silly sentences in an activity called Rainbow Sentences.  In this activity students were given cards outlined in the colors of the rainbow.  Each color represented and different part of a sentence.  They put the cards in order by the color of the rainbow to create different sentences.  Then they practiced writing them and identified the subject (noun/pronoun) and the predicate (verb).

Additionally, we began looking closely at Non-fiction text.  Students learned about the various features found in Non-fiction text and then did a non-fiction text feature scavenger hunt to look for these features in books.  On Monday we will begin a new writing unit on informative writing.  

In Math first graders are working on using counting on strategies for solving the unknown in an addition number sentence.  Second graders are comparing and contrasting using standard and non standard (metric) measurement, and third graders are solving multiplication and division problems with multiples of 2 and 3 using a tape diagram model.  They are learning that sometimes the quotient represents the number of groups in a set, and sometimes it tells about the size of each group.

This week students continued their exploration of the idea of "selection".  They learned that selection can happen in nature without the intervention of humans.  We learned how a type of lizard known as an  Green Anole, (found in Florida) were affected by the introduction of the Brown Anole (originally found in Cuba) into their Habitat.  The Brown Anole were much bigger than the Green Anole and were a predator to the Green Anole.  The Green Anole were better climbers than the Brown Anole. We discovered that the Green Anole that didn't climb so well were eaten by the Brown Anole, but the Green Anole that were excellent climbers were able to quickly climb the trees to get away from the Brown Anole and were able to survive.  Over time, the good climbing Green Anoles bred with other good climbing Green Anoles and the species became primarily excellent climbers who are now able to survive living with the Brown Anoles.  This is known as "natural selection".

This week we learned about the first people to live in the Americas (the Native Americans) and how they came to America 40,000 years ago.  These people were here loooonnnng before America was discovered by the Europeans.  When the Europeans did begin to settle in America (becoming Colonists), they began to push the Native Americans away from their land.  The Colonists did not understand they ways of the Native Americans and did not want them to hunt or plant their crops near them.  Eventually they pushed the Native Americans onto land known as a reservation, where today many Native Americans still live.  Later we learned about what is was like to live during Colonial times.  Students learned that the Colonists did not have an easy life.  The had to work very hard to survive.  Colonial children were also expected to work to help the family survive.  The Colonists had many obstacles to overcome.  Students compared and contrasted what is was like to live in Colonial America vs. Modern America.  

Thursday the Rotary from Morrisville came to present the third graders with Dictionaries.  This is an event that the third graders look forward to every year and is considered a right of passage!  The other students (unlike at the bigger schools) get to watch this presentation, so when they get to third grade they know this is a special event.  The third graders were excited and proud to receive their Dictionaries.

I want to thank you all for your diligence in keeping your children in school by changing your holiday plans and celebrations.  I heard stories of children having Zoom Thanksgiving (a sure sign of the times), and quiet family Thanksgiving dinners, much different than other years.  If one thing all of this is teaching us is that our children are resilient and flexible.  While upholding our family traditions remains important to all of us, finding new ways to "spend time together" and rejoice in our celebrations is imperative this year.  While other schools around us have had to close or have chosen to close, keeping our school open is a priority. Again, I wish to thank you for all you have had to sacrifice to make this happen.  

Finally, Mastery Reports went home on Friday in student's Friday Folders.  Please look these over. and talk about them with your child.  The cover page explains how to read the report.  Keep in mind as you are reading the report, that this is a proficiency based mastery report which means that students are generally working toward proficiency at the end of the school year.  Each Trimester has a target to reach along the path to proficiency.  So, a student may be at "Getting Started" or "Making Progress" and still reach the target.  The exception to this is content areas that have been taught in its entirety and will not be assessed again this school year. In the case the target is Proficient now.  The colors on the report indicate whether your child is on target, below target or above target.  If you have any questions regarding your child's mastery report, please reach out.


  • Library is Monday!  Don't forget you books!
  • Please be on time for PE on Tuesday and Thursday!   Don't forget you sneakers!
  • Send me an email for lunch orders
Bald Eagle flying over Lake Elmore on Thursday!

The End!

Our third Grade Graduates! Our last week of the school year was packed with fun, making memories, hot weather, and goodbyes. On ...