Sunday, April 18, 2021

Week 32

The week began with Spring temperatures in the 70's and ended with a wintery snow storm!  As we do with everything...we rolled with it.  

Last week students worked hard on writing our class book pages about The Elmore School.  We wrote second and the third drafts before writing a final draft.  Then we began drafting our illustrations.  Students are learning that authors do many drafts before their book is ready to be published.  It takes perseverance and a growth mindset.  If you have not returned an order form (even if you don't order), please do so Monday, April 26.  Our book gets mailed out to be published on April 30th!

In Math, third graders started the week with a mid-module assessment.  Second graders finished Module 3 and took an end of module assessment.  First graders continued working on making a ten to solve addition problems when one of the addends is 7, 8, or 9.  Using this strategy helps students become more flexible and fluid in their computation.  

Our new Theme is Communities, Maps, and Landforms.  This week we focused on map features, such a cardinal directions, compass rose, and Map Keys.  We listened to a read aloud of the book Me On The Map by Joan Sweeney.  In this book readers learn how to find where they live and how they fit into the larger world.  (our home is on a street, in a neighborhood, in a town, in a state, in the United States, on a continent, on Earth.)  On Friday students explored various maps with a partner to discover the various map feature on the map and then presented their findings to the rest of the class.

We ended our week before vacation with a surprise!  Students were treated to the animated movie "The Lion King" and popcorn.  

Last week brought new Covid-19 guidance. Please click here to read about the new guidance. If you need access to the Health Screening From click here.  If you are not able to do the screening at home, please let us know so we can fill out the form when your child arrives at school. We are delighted that new guild-lines allow students to share toys and materials now!  We are still being conservative with this, but students may now share an activity bin with one other child during choice time!  As warmer weather allows we will be eating and learning outdoors more.  Students may want a camp chair at school if they took theirs home last fall.

I also had some great news regarding Third Grade Graduation!  More information will be coming, but as it looks now, we will be able to have an outdoor ceremony, with all students/families attending which may include a BBQ /Pot Luck!  I have several ideas to make this a memorable event. If there are parents who would like to work with me to help plan such an event, I would welcome the help.

I hope you all have a great week!  See you on April 26!


Saturday, April 10, 2021

Week 31


Warm weather brought us outside for lunch.

Wow!  What a fantastic early April week we had.  Warm temperatures brought an end to the ice on the lake, the birds were singing songs of joy, and the children were excited to spend more time outdoors again.  This week brought the return to lunch outdoors and full recesses together.  We were also able to squeeze in a couple of extra recesses!  

This week we wrapped up our persuasive writing unit with an on demand writing prompt on Tuesday.  During this unit students practiced writing three variations of persuasive writing: 1) persuasive essays, 2) persuasive letters, and 3) book reviews.  Students were able to pick one of these three formats to write one final persuasive piece about something they feel strongly about.

Later in the week we began working on a class book.  This project will be published into a keepsake, hardbound book.  Each student will have a page they will write and illustrate.  We have decided to write a book about the Elmore School!  In your Friday Folders you will find an order form.  Parents have the option to purchase a copy of the book as a keepsake for you student.  As I said this is an option, but not required.  However, I do need everyone to return the order form along with your signature even if you decide NOT to order a book.  If you decide not to order a book, please check the book near the bottom of the form indicated you do not wish to order.  If you choose to order a book, please check your book cover choice and the quantity and include payment in the envelope provided.  All order forms need to be returned with a signature (whether or not you order a book) in order for our class to receive a free copy of the book for our classroom.  Thank you in advance for the opportunity for your child to have their work published in a professionally bound book!  Books should be here before the end of the school year.

We also began a new unit on Maps, Geography, and Communities this week.  In this unit students will learn about various types of communities (urban, suburban, and rural), and identify features of their own community.  We will be learning various map features and well as explore different types of maps.  Finally, students will learn various geographical features (towns, states, counties, continents, the world).  We will conclude this unit by looking more closely at Elmore (community, maps, and geography) and students will create their own representation of what they learn.

On Friday, we had a virtual field trip to the the Billings Farm.  Students were introduced to a variety of new baby animals residing on the farm.  Some animals we saw were, chicks, bunnies, kids (baby goats), and calfs.  If you are looking for something to do this weekend the farm is taking reservation for visiting.  click here for more information.

on Friday, we also did the next step in an art project inspired by Henri Matisse.  Matisse is known for his bright use of colors and shapes.  Finished projects will be 3 dimensional "egg" sculptures.  Students used shapes cut from paper which are molded over a balloon using a glue mixture (see photos).  Stay tuned for finished projects next week!

With the warm weather this past week it is easy for us to put winter behind us.  Please be mindful of the weather changes over the next several weeks.  We know that in Vermont, there will be many more cool days ahead and possibly even more snow.  Be aware that students will need warm layers and appropriate shoes/boots.  In an effort to keep the classroom clean, all students should have a pair of shoes to wear inside and another pair of shoes for the playground.  Indoor shoes could be slippers, slip on sandals, Crocks, or an extra pair of sneakers.  

3rd graders will be taking SBAC (Smarter Balanced Assessment) in May.  They will have a couple of days to practice prior to administration of the test.  As I narrow down the schedule for administration of the assessment I will let you know, but right now I am looking at the second or third week in May.  The SBAC is a standardized test required by the State of Vermont which all 3rd graders need to take.  There is a math component and a reading / writing component.   The test will be given over the course of four days with each session lasting 11/2 (or more if needed) hours.  All assessments are taken on students computers / iPads.  There will be a writing component which will require students to type an essay.  At this point, we have not had a lot of practice with this skill, so I hope to allow more opportunity for students to practice typing between now and the test.  

When your book is so good you want to read a recess!

  • Library is Monday!  Remember to bring your Library books and activity bags!
  • Tuesday and Thursday are PE at 8:00.  Students need their sneakers! 
  • Students should have "indoor" shoes to put on after recess.
  • Spring Break is April 19 - 23, 2021
  • Please email me your lunch orders 
Thank you to the Elmore families for the beautiful Birthday Flowers
delivered Friday Afternoon. 

Friday, April 2, 2021

Week 30

April 1, 2021

The consensus is in, and March definitely came in like a lion and went out like a lamb.  We had such pleasant spring-like weather the last couple of weeks and then BAM!  Winter is back!  Despite this, spring flowers are beginning to sprout and soon our April showers will bring May flowers!   We just need to be patient a little while longer.  The ice on the lake is melting and this morning we spotted a pair of ducks and a pair of geese swimming on the lake. 

In the classroom, students drafted book reviews as part of our persuasive writing unit.  We used a planning packet to help focus our writing.  Next week, I would like to wrap up this unit as we prepare to write a keepsake class book which will published into a hardbound book parents will have the option to purchase.  We will conclude the year with a final fiction unit where students will write imaginary stories.  

Students were progress monitored this week with STAR reading.  I was impressed at the growth I saw for many of the students.  I am continuing to assess reading levels with some students.

We finish our read aloud, Dear Austin, Letters from the Underground Railroad, and we began a new, more light-hearted book titled: The Stories Julian Tells by Ann Cameron.  

During math,  first graders worked on regrouping to make ten when adding 9 plus some more.  Second graders are comparing numbers within 1,000 presented in the standard (numeral) form, expanded form, and written (word) form using <, >, =  symbols.  Third graders used the break apart and distribute process for solving multiplication and division problems involving 8.

In Science this week, we learned  how sound, light, and color can be used as a means of communication (think fog horn, lighthouse, buoys, bells, horns, traffic lights, etc.).


  • Library is Monday!  Remember to bring your Library books and activity bags!
  • Tuesday and Thursday are PE at 8:00.  Students need their sneakers! 
  • Students should have "indoor" shoes to put on after recess.
  • Spring Break is April 19 - 23, 2021
  • Please email me your lunch orders 
When winter returns after a 60 degree day, 
these kids embrace what's in front of them!
Living and loving life in Elmore, VT!

The End!

Our third Grade Graduates! Our last week of the school year was packed with fun, making memories, hot weather, and goodbyes. On ...