Friday, July 30, 2021

Elmore School Video

 I hope summer is finding you all well and that you are finding some time to rest and relax and spend time with family!

Today I had the pleasure of meeting with our Superintendent/Principal,  We made a quick 3+ minute video.  Promoting the Elmore School.  It was recorded in one take with no edits.  I did not know what questions he was going to ask me, so I had to think quick!  I thought you would enjoy seeing it if you haven't already seen it from his post on the Lamoille Ledger.  Click here to watch the video.  

I'm working on a Welcome Back letter that will go out to you soon, highlighting what you can expect for Back to school  Some dates to keep in mind are:

  • Ice Cream Social, Wednesday August 25th from 6 - 7pm at the Elmore School (5:30 for new students)
  • Parent Teacher Conferences (optional for returning students) on Friday, August 27th. 
  • First day of School, Monday, August 30th
  • No School Friday September, 3rd and Monday September 6th (Labor Day)

I want to extend my gratitude to the outgoing third grade students and families who installed a Gaga Pit on our playground this week.  I know this will be a lot of fun for our students!

The End!

Our third Grade Graduates! Our last week of the school year was packed with fun, making memories, hot weather, and goodbyes. On ...