Friday, September 24, 2021

Week 4


Pinwheels for Peace

This week we had our first 5 day, in-person school week since March 2020 and life is good at The Elmore School!  It feels like an accomplishment, and I will admit I'm a bit exhausted!  It was a busy week as we are in the middle of our assessment window for the STAR assessment.  Students were issued their iPads (which will remain at school this year unless we transition to remote learning for more than a day).  The STAR assessment is taken on student iPads and is a screening tool that we use to help us determine where students are in their math and literacy skills and what skills they are ready for next.  We can also use this tool to progress monitor students we are concerned about.  For some reason our internet has been operating slower than usual, so this has been more of a process than I expected as only a couple of students can take the assessment at a time.  I will be able to share the results of this assessment when we meet on October 11th at our Parent Teacher Conference.

During Writer's Workshop, students have been working on composing personal narratives.  Our focus this week has been on bring our characters to life by adding dialogue, using figurative language and comparisons to help the reader paint an image in their mind's eye, and finally, planning and stretching out our small (tiny) moment stories.  Several students have shared their stories with the class during Morning meeting.

During Math lessons this week students have been working on addition and subtraction.  First graders have been using ten frames (concrete) and number bonds (pictorial) and equations (abstract) to add and subtract up to/within 10.  Second graders have been using ten frames and number bonds to add and subtract by making 10's to add  (8 + 5 becomes 10 + 3)  and subtract (13 - 5 becomes 10 - 8).  When students are able to convert problems into a more friendly problem they become flexible math thinkers.  Third grade has has been working on a similar goal as they review adding and subtracting by converting an equation to the nearest 10.  Additionally, students are solving multi digit addition with regrouping.

In Art this week, we painted still lifes of sunflowers!  Students each had a flower (thank you to those who donated a bloom) to look at.  First they drew the flower composition on their paper, then they painted using acrylic paint.  We will be finishing these up over the next week.

Please email lunch orders to me before 7 pm on Sunday.

Library is Monday.  Be sure to bring your Library books!

We will also have our first Farm To School Lesson on Monday, September 27th! 

The Elmore School Open House:  Thursday, September 30th.  Please sign up HERE for 20 minute time slot to visit with your student.

Jon Gailmor Music Residency: October 4-8.  We will be filming students performances to share with families as we are not able to host and indoor performance at this time due to the Covid-19 guidelines.  We will also be recording a CD or MP3 of the music which will be made available to families.

School Picture Day: Tuesday, October 5th @ 9:00

ECO: October 20th from 9-12

No School: Monday October 11th (Indigenous People's Day).  Parent Teacher Conferences.  I will have a sign up sheet for you during Open House so bring your calendars!

Mrs. Bellavance will be organizing family provided Hot Lunch.  We will also have this available for sign up during Open house as well.

Ann Marie Dryden has volunteered to head up the Elmore School "sale" (yard sale, craft sale, bake sale), which we will use to help build a fund to purchase equipment and gear for our ECO program.  Look for information on this coming soon!  Thank you Ann Marie!

Caterpillar update: Our Monarch Caterpillar managed to escape the Caterpillar/Butterfly Habitat over the weekend and formed its chrysalis on the ceiling in the classroom!  They usually emerge in 7-10 days, so we should have a butterfly emerge in the next week.  Then we will need to capture it to release!  Stay tuned!

Tuesday we made Kale Salad with kale and carrots grown in our garden!

Pinwheels for Peace in Celebration of International Peace Day

Our hopes and dreams for the school year hang from this large dream catcher.

Silent Reading

Friday, September 17, 2021

Week 3

Our Very Hungry Caterpillar is getting to be be a Great Big Caterpillar!

We had another great week at The Elmore School.  We began the week with a special trip to the Beach at the Elmore State Park where we watched the PAML 6th grade students race cardboard boats!  It was exciting to see two Siblings among the crew! 

Sibling love!

Siblings share a celebratory hug after the winning race!

This week students worked on goal setting.  The began by identifying 3 things they can do well and 3 things they would like to get better at.  Then I asked them to identify one school related goal they would like to achieve this year (Hopes and Dreams). Students wrote their Hopes and Dreams on a paper feather which they later painted.  We used the feathers to create a giant class Dreamcatcher filled with our hopes and Dreams.

We are getting into the full swing of math and literacy instruction!  Writers and readers workshop are well underway.  This week I have been assessing reading levels for all the new students so we can begin reading groups soon.  In Math we have been building up to a full Math Menu.  Students are being exposed to various forms of independent work and exploring math materials.  Additionally we have have begun differentiated math lessons which are scaffolded for all learners to access.  This year I will be using many lessons and materials  from Greg Tang for our concept development and practice.

Ryan Heraty stopped by Friday to read a book to the class!  It's always so much fun to have guest readers!  Which reminds me...If parents would be interested in being guest readers this year, please let me know and we can put together a schedule.

Photo Credit goes to Ryan Heraty

Student devices (iPads) arrived this week.  Students have completed their pledges.  Now we just need to assure that all parents have completed their permission to use technology form which was part of the e-registration process.  Next week I want to get all students comfortable with their ipads and become familiar with the programs we will use regularly and if we need to transition to remote learning at any time.  We also have two district wide screening assessments (STAR) students will be taking on their iPads in the next two weeks.  

As Covid -19 remains a threat in our communities, and has already affected schools in other nearby districts, we want to be vigilant about having plans in place in the event we need to transition to remote learning.  Unlike last year, we will not be sending iPads home nightly.  They will remain at school unless there is an need for remote learning.  What this means is, in the event The Elmore School has a need to close to in person learning for any amount of time, students will have a paper packet for school work for the first day.  If we need to remain closed for more than a day, we will issue iPads and revert to our remote learning schedule which I would share with you at that time.  

Yard Sale: As mentioned in my Welcome Back letter, I would like to have a Elmore School Yard Sale this fall to start raising funds to purchase equipment and gear needed for ECO.  I'm hoping there are a couple of parents who would be willing to work together to organize such an event?  Please let me know if this is something you would be willing to take on.

Open house: I've been given the green light to host an Elmore School Open House provided we keep the groups small.  I would like to invite students and  immediate family member to join us on Thursday, September 30th between 5:00 - 7:00 pm.  I will be putting together a schedule for families to come in 20 minute visits.  This will be a time to have students show the classroom and some of the things we have been working on for first month of school.  We will have a chance to discuss student progress later at Parent Teacher Conferences on October 11th.

ECO: I met with Carrie Riker from the NBNC this week.  Carrie will be our partnering teacher for ECO.  ECO will take place every other Wednesday this fall beginning October 20th.  We will take a reprieve during the winter and will resume again at the beginning of March.   You should have and parent information and permission form in your Friday Folder.  Please read this over and sign the permission slip and return it to school next week.  If you are interested in joining for ECO you can indicate this on the form.  Later I will arrange parent volunteers for specific dates.  

Hot Lunch:  Some parents have expressed and interest in wanting to provide Hot Lunch for the school on Friday (or if there is another day that works better for folks we can figure that out), as was tradition in past years..  Again, I'm hoping a parent be willing to help organize a schedule.  It might work well to plan a month or two at a time, or we can think about the whole year.  Please let me know if you would like to take this endeavor on!

We will still continue to offer school lunches (sandwiches or salads) the other days.  Chef Jeff Brynn is also willing to provide Hot lunch if there are weeks when there is no parent to provide Hot Lunch.   


Library is Monday!  Remember to pack your library books!

Open House:  Thursday, September 30th from 5-7 (20 minute intervals)

Music Residency with Jon Gailmor: October 4-8

School Picture Day: Tuesday, October 5th

NO School: Monday, October 11th - Parent Teacher Conferences

Field Trip to the Elmore Fire Station: Friday, October 15th @ 9:00

ECO: Wednesday, October 20th from 9-12

More photos from the great boat races!

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Week 2

Students painted Self Portraits during Art this week.

We had another great week back at school following a nice long four day weekend.  Students continue to get to know one another as our new students become part of our Elmore School family.  We continue learning our routines and expectations.  

On Tuesday we made Maple Cinnamon Applesauce using the apples we collected from our apple tree last week.  Students cut up apples which we simmered until soft.   Then we processed the apples through a food mill which all students helped with. Then we added Vermont Maple Syrup and cinnamon.  After lunch, all students had a serving of  warm applesauce.  Some came back for seconds and thirds!  (See Friday Folders for the recipe. Note: We only used 1 tsp. of cinnamon).  I think it is safe to say, most  everyone loved it! (check back for photos)

We assessed second graders on phonemic awareness (The ability to recognize and manipulate the individual phonemes (sounds) in a word) and sight words this week.  Phonemic awareness is a good predictor of reading success.  Next week I plan to assess reading levels for all our new students.  Once I have this information we will be able to begin guided reading groups.  

Students continued building writer's workshop routines as they compose personal narratives.  While several students have asked if they can write imaginary stories, our first writing unit is personal narratives.  These are true stores where we pull from our own experiences.  Over the the year we focus on four main types of writing during writers workshop.  They are (Personal) Narratives (true),  Informational writing, Persuasive (or argumentative) writing, and Narratives (imaginary).  We will try to sprinkle in some poetry this year, but you will not find this on our mastery report.

In addition to several read alouds this week and some shared reading, we continued building readers workshop routines with silent reading and on Friday we started partner reading.  Partner reading is something we were not able to do last year, so I look forward to seeing this become part of our regular reading routine. 

Students did a great job filling out their reading logs this week. We are of to a great start. Together they read 903 minutes!  For our reading challenge this year we will "climb" various Mountains  around Vermont.  Each minute will equal on vertical foot climbed.  Our first Mountain will, of  course, be Elmore Mountain!  At 1,634 feet, we may reach our first goal next week!

In math, we continued our math launches, and practiced solving math puzzles and playing math games.  We are building routines for independent practice which will be part of our Math Menu as I work with grade levels.  Look for math homework to begin next week.  

We spent time each day this week discussing Digital Citizenship.  These lessons are required prior to students using any technology at school.  These lesson focus on staying safe on the internet and using technology respectfully and responsibly. On Friday students signed a Digital Citizenship Pledge.  Parents must also sign the permission for technology use which is part of the e-registration process.  If you have not done this yet, please assure that this is completed as devices will not be issue to student until all forms are completed.  In the event we need to revert to short term virtual (remote) learning for more than one day, students will need their devices.  We do not plan to have Ipads travel back and forth daily this year.  We will be suing them in the classroom to ensure students are familiar with various platforms they will be using.

In your Friday Folders, please find a General Walking Permission Slip to sign and return on Monday.  We have been invited to walk to the elmore State Park to watch and cheer on PAML sixth graders as they race cardboard boats!  It should be a fun time!  We will leave the School around 9:00 am.  I suspect we will not be gone more than an hour.  

I will be meeting with Carrie Riker from the the North Branch Nature Center on Monday afternoon to begin planning for ECO this year.  It has been confirmed that we will have ECO on Wednesday Mornings from 9-12, though this will not be every week.  We will have 12 ECO sessions throughout the year, so I will let you know these dates after plan on Monday.  We will need a couple of parent volunteers to help with this program each session.  Other ways we will look for help include donating firewood.

There is no School on Thursday, September 16th (Yom Kippur)

There is no School on Monday, October 11th (Indigenous Peoples Day / Teacher PD) 

School Picture day is October 5th

Fire Safety field trip to the Elmore Fire Station is Friday, October 15th @9:00 am

Please Email Lunch orders for the week!

  • PB&J
  • Turkey and Cheese Sandwich
  • Chicken Ceasar Salad
  • Chef Salad.  
Reminder that Breakfast is available this year. (no need to order)

If your child will be absent or late, please call the school or email me by 8:00 am

Likewise, please notify us if your child's after school plans change or if someone other than the usual person will be picking your child up after school.

We ask that families monitor the health and well-being of children and keep kids home from school if the child demonstrates any of the following symptoms:

  • Fever (100.4 °F or higher) - not controlled by fever reducing medication

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Chills

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • Sore throat

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • vomiting or nausea

  • Congestion or runny nose

Friday, September 3, 2021

Back to School

Apples picked by students at The Elmore School

Monday morning we opened the school doors to a new year.  Unlike last year,  parents were able to bring their children into the school for their first drop off of the year.  Under masks, were many smiles, evident by the sight of their eyes.  We have been spending extra time outdoors where students are free to remove their masks this year.  This has been a welcomed change for all.  

We welcomed seven new students to The Elmore School this year.  We have five new first graders, one new second grader, and one new third grader.  Returning students have been great at including their new classmates and everyone is making new friends and getting to know each other.

The first week of school is all about getting to know each other and become familiar with our routines.  We read several books together this week, students began writing personal narratives, and we reviewed letters and sounds, and talked about spelling strategies. Students also began silent reading routines. In math we bagan learning about our Math Launch activities (Number Talks, Which One Doesn't Belong, and math journals), and learned how to do a few types of number puzzles we will use throughout the year as independent practice.  Students also have opportunities to explore games and activities on our math shelf.

I began assessing students to get a baseline for where students are in literacy.  I started with first graders this week, collecting data on letter names and letter sounds, sight words, and phonological awareness.  

On Thursday we spent some time talking about Rules, which resulted in us developing our class rules.  They are: Respect Others and the School, Be Safe, Do Your Best. It's always interesting every year when we talk about rules.  The Children almost always state what they can't do.  But rules are just the opposite.  Rules tell you what to do just as our laws. It's always a shift in their thinking. 

The new Gaga Ball Pit (donated by last years third grade families) has been a huge hit!  Many of the students have used it daily. The nice part about GaGa Ball is it is fast paced and very inclusive.  When students get out, it never takes long for them to get back into the game.  Just a few kids can play or several kids can play at one time.  The more children that are playing the faster pace the game is.  

I've also purchase a few other games for students to play outdoors.  I will be introducing these over the next couple of weeks.  They include Spike Ball (still waiting for this), Ball Slam (similar to Can Jam but played with a small playground ball), Croquet, and Bocci Ball.

I want to thank Andrea Audet for showing up with an apple picking pole for us on Wednesday!  Our Apple tree is full of big juicy apples, but many are high up.  Now we can pick our Apples and enjoy them.  The children had fun on Thursday using the pole to pick the apples from the top of the tree.  Next week I plan to make applesauce with the children!

We ended the day on Thursday with a celebration of the the end of the first week!  Students enjoyed ice cream (left over from the ice cream social).  Students who finished their summer work were rewarded with first dibs on ice cream.  


Students should have extra indoor shoes they can change into when they come inside.  It is fine if these are slippers, slides, or Crocs OR they can just be an extra pair of sneakers or shoes.  It's very helpful in keeping our classroom floors clean.  

PE will begin on Friday, Sept 10th.  Please make sure your child(ren) have sneakers and extra socks.  We will not have PE on Tuesday until sometime in October, but we will give the students extra outdoor time and movement!

Book orders are due Friday, September 10th.  See my previous post for direction on online ordering.

There is no School Monday, September 6th (Labor Day)

There is no School on Thursday, September 16th (Yom Kippur)

There is no School on Monday, October 11th (Indigenous Peoples Day / Teacher PD)

We will be doing a Music Residency with Jon Gailmor the week of October 4-8.  Students will be working in small groups to compose original songs, and we will do some whole class song-writing as well.  The week will conclude with some type of performance.  At this time we are not sure what that will look like, but as details are worked out we will let you know!

School Picture Day will be Tuesday October 5th.

Our first field trip of the year will be Friday October 15th when we visit the Elmore Fire Station for Fire prevention / safety week.  We would welcome a couple of parent chaperones.  Chaperones will need to have a background check prior to this field trip.

Please assure students have at least two clean masks each day.

We are excited to have school inperson 5 day per week this year.  In order to be able to continue this, please keep your child home if they are experiencing ANY COVID - 19 symptoms.

Apple Picking at The Elmore School

Students explore some partner yoga with a Double Down Dog

Celebrating our First Week of School!

The End!

Our third Grade Graduates! Our last week of the school year was packed with fun, making memories, hot weather, and goodbyes. On ...