Friday, December 23, 2022

Week 17


Students at The Elmore School held a food drive  last week to benefit the Lamoille County Food Share.

We made it to our December break! It was a busy week getting projects finished and making gifts.  We also managed to fit in a few assessments before the break.  Thursday was a day of celebration with a PJ day, sledding, Secret Pals gift exchange, and a movie with popcorn. 
Here are a few highlights from our fun day together.

Wishing you all a Happy Holiday
filled with peace, good health, and joy!

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Week 16


Students proudly showed their Secret Pal projects to Mr. Heraty during a visit this week!

Week 16 proved to be a week full of hustle and bustle. Our classroom was transformed into a workshop as students busily worked on their secret pal projects, ensuring that they will be completed in time for our gift exchange on Thursday next week.  Thursday we spent the morning outdoors at ECO where students focused on giving back to the forest as they made pine cone bird feeders which they left for the animals who visit our campsite.  We enjoyed popcorn popped in a dutch-oven over the fire, and roasted carrots over the fire which they dipped in the butter which was melted in the popcorn pot. "Mmmm, this is the best carrot I've ever tasted." (Jessa).  We were surprised by our first snow day of the year on Friday, which made for a three-day weekend!  I hope everyone gets outdoors and enjoys the fresh new snow this weekend!  

Student/families have generously contributed to our food drive to benefit the Lamoille County Food Share, having filled one whole box with food and we have several hygiene items in our second box.  Due to our snow day, our donations will not be picked up until Monday, Dec. 19, so you have one more day to send donations.  Thank you to everyone who has generously donated already.  

Our first trimester Mastery Reports were sent home on Wednesday.  Hopefully you have all found time to read them over and have had a chance to share them with your student. It is an opportunity for students to reflect on the first trimester.  

On Monday I will be sending home a letter and permission slip for our winter outdoor recreation program (ski and skate) which will take place weekly on Wednesdays at Spruce Peak in Stowe beginning on Wednesday, January 11th.  We have six dates planned for skiing and skating.  Please return these forms ASAP as I need to gather information about equipment needs.  We are planning to place an order for some nordic ski equipment for the school, and want to know what sizes are needed.  I will also be requesting parent volunteers to make this program a success.  Please look ahead at your calendars to see if you can set aside one or two afternoons to help transport equipment, chaperone, or provide a snack for the group.  Opportunities like this can only be successful with your support.   

Next Thursday we will have a day of fun!  Students have earned a reading reward so we will have a PJ Day.  We will also do our annual sledding outing.  Students are asked to bring a sled to school.  We will walk to the state park where we will spend the morning sledding.  In the afternoon, we will have our secret pal gift exchange, and end the day with a movie and popcorn.

Family Hot Lunch next week will be Tuesday, December 20th!  We will be having Shepards Pie and Rolls (Audets)

Please email at this link your lunch orders for the week.  Please be specific about the type of pizza requested for Monday. 


  • School Banking day is Monday.  Don't forget your deposits!
  • Seussical field trip to PA - Monday  - please assure permission slips are returned! 
  • Library is Monday!  Make sure you bring your books back!
  • We will have PE on Tuesday next week - bring a yoga mat if you have one
  • No School December 23 - 30 - December Break (school resumes on Monday, Jan 2nd)
  • No School Monday, Jan 16th - MLK Day / teacher PD
  • No School Friday, Feb. 3rd - teacher PD

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Week 15


Students were excited to discover their "ice baby" survived the week in the insulated shelter they made last week at ECO!

We might not have any snow on the outdoors, but the classroom has been abuzz with a festive spirit!  This week we began our favorite projects of the year...Secret Pals!  The classroom has been transformed into a workshop with students sewing, building, sculpting and creating.  Students began last week with the planning process by thoughtful planning a project to create for their secret pal.  In this process they had to think about why the project they chose or designed was a good one for their Secret Pal.  Throughout the project process, students are problem solving, reflecting, and persevering.  

During literacy we have been focusing on phonological awareness ( hearing and manipulating sounds in words), phonics (matching sounds we hear to individual or groups of letters in reading and spelling), as well as reading fluency and comprehension.

Students have earned their next reading reward.  We will be saving this for the week before vacation and we will have a PJ day and movie to celebrate (shhh...the kids don't know yet!).

In Math first graders are working on adding and subtracting fluency to 10, second graders have been solving word problems using addition and subtraction within 100,  and third graders are finding perimeter and area using multiplication.  

This week during ECO students worked in groups to create "bear dens" applying what they had learned about insulation last week with their "Ice Baby" experiments.  This work involved planning, collaborating, and problem solving.  We measured the temperature inside the den before and after the dens were insulated.  

 Please email at this link to order school lunches this week.  

Thanks you to Kat Gabaree for the delicious Tuscan Italian Soup, bread, and hot cocoa cupcakes on Friday for our Family Hot Lunch.
Friday Family Hot Lunch is provided by the Audets on Friday, December 16th (TBD)


  • School Banking day is Monday.  Don't forget your deposits!
  • Library is Monday!  Make sure you bring your books back!
  • Our next ECO is Thursday Dec. 15th.  Please let me know if you wish to volunteer!
  • Please make sure students have sneakers for PE on Thursday.
  • Third Graders need recorders and books on Friday
  • No School December 23 - 30 - December Break (school resumes on Monday, Jan 2nd)
  • No School Monday, Jan 16th - MLK Day / teacher PD
  • No School Friday, Feb. 3rd - teacher PD

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Week 14

Students roasted hot dogs over the fire on a chilly morning at ECO this week!

This serves as an update for the past two weeks as the week before Thanksgiving was only two days.  
Our first trimester is in the books and we are officially one third of the way through the school year! Friday we had a half day so teachers could enter grades for our first mastery report of the school year.  As I am sure you have already heard, the mastery reports will look different this year.  The district has been working hard to get these new reports into your hands.  The biggest difference is that you will now see individual narratives, which you will hopefully find informative.  We have also moved from a 5 point grading system (G, MP, BP, P, PD ) to a 4 point number system (1= emerging proficiency, 2= approaching proficiency, 3= proficient, 4 = Exceeds proficient).  

The next few weeks will be busy at the Elmore School.  During the month of November we spent time reflecting on the things we are thankful for.  The month of December will focus on giving.  We will be exploring several ways to give back to others.  Next week we will begin our annual Secret Pal projects.  On Wednesday students drew names from a "hat" to  choose their secret pal.  Next week we will begin planning our projects. then we will be in full project mode for the next couple of weeks.  I would love to have a couple of parent volunteers to help with these projects.  If you have time in the afternoon from 1:00 - 3:00 and would like to help, please let me know what days you are available.  Just a reminder that volunteers need to have a background check.  If you are not sure if you are on the list, please check in with me.  Secret Pal Projects will be given on December 22nd.  

Another way we will focus on giving will be to hold a non-perishable foods and products drive for the Lamoille Country Food Share.  Students will decorate two boxes:  one for foods, and one for products to be donated to the food share.  We will be holding our food drive during the week of December 12 - 16. Students will be asked to bring donations throughout the week.  They will be encouraged to reach out to local family and neighbors for donations, as well.  I will be talking about this project with the class next week and will send information home.

Please click on this link to email me you lunch orders ( do not reply to my update email as you orders may get overlooked). Please remember that lunch and breakfast are currently available to all students at no charge!
Friday Family Hot Lunch will be provided by the Gabaree family.  Lunch will be Tuscan Italian Soup & Crusty Bread!  


  • School Banking day is Monday.  Don't forget your deposits!
  • Library is Monday!  Make sure you bring your books back!
  • Our next ECO is Thursday Dec. 8th.  Please let me know if you wish to volunteer!
  • Please make sure students have sneakers for PE on Thursday.
  • No School December 23 - 30 - December Break (school resumes on Monday, Jan 2nd)
  • No School Monday, Jan 16th - MLK Day / teacher PD
  • No School Friday, Feb. 3rd - teacher PD
See photos from our morning at ECO where students explored properties of insolation,  made tree cookie ornaments, whittled sticks, and toasted hot dogs. 

Students enjoyed some collaborative fun at Fun Friday this week!


The End!

Our third Grade Graduates! Our last week of the school year was packed with fun, making memories, hot weather, and goodbyes. On ...