Friday, April 5, 2024

Week 29

Students made Solar Eclipse viewing shield's to wear with their viewing glasses. 

What a rollercoaster ride we have been on as of late!  Between the Spring-like weather we had at the beginning of the week followed by the biggest snow fall of the season on Thursday, which caused another snow day, it is hard to know how to dress or what to expect!  This week we learned about the Total Solar Eclipse taking place on Monday, April 8th, and as we were watching a video about it on Friday, we experienced the slight tremor of an earthquake centered all the way on NJ! 

During literacy this week, students finished up their animal presentation.  They really are quite impressive.  During art each child is working on their project to accompany their presentation.  When all the projects are completed we invite parents to view their work during an after school "museum". 

During math, first graders competed their unit section about comparing two-digit numbers.  Second graders began unit 5 - numbers to 1,000, and third graders began their next unit with a focus on division. 

On Tuesday, we had three High School students from the Peoples Academy Astronomy Class visit our school to teach the children about the Solar Eclipse which will take place Monday afternoon.  Thank you to Ms. Ciambra's class for taking the time to put together this presentation and making time to come to our school to teach the children about this rare phenomena.  On Friday the students made Eclipse viewing shields which add an extra layer of protection to be used with the viewing glasses.  All students brought home viewing glasses today.  Just a reminder that is critical for everyone to wear viewing glasses before and after totality.  They glasses may be removed during totality (just after the "Diamond Ring" appears - students should know what this is), but they need to be back on before the moon begins to move past the sun again.  For more information you can visit here.  We do NOT have school on Monday due to the eclipse.  

Third graders were scheduled to start VTCAP testing this week, however there were technical issues which prevented us from accessing the on line test.  The tech department was made aware right away and began trouble shooting, it wasn't until Friday midday that they finally solved the problem. We should be ready to test next week as planned.  

Students enjoyed chicken drumsticks and deviled eggs, and "dirt" for dessert for hot lunch on Friday.  Thank you Deidra Keith for the delicious meal!  The next two week are available if someone would like to sign up to bring hot lunch.  Otherwise, sandwiches and salads will be available to order through school lunch.

Please send me an email with your school lunch orders.  You can see the menu here for hot lunch Monday and Wednesday.

Other Announcements 

  • Library is Tuesday - remember your books
  • PE - Wednesday AND FRIDAY -Students need their sneakers!
  • Thursday, April 11th - ECO  - let me know if you would like to Volunteer!
  • 3rd Grade VTCAP testing -  April 9, and April 10,  and  April 15 and 16th (make up days April 17 or 19) - please avoid scheduling appointments on these mornings if possible.
  • Monday, April 8th - NO SCHOOL- Full Solar Eclipse 
  • Wednesday, April 17th - 2nd annual Grandparents Breakfast @ 9:00 at the Elmore Town Hall
  • April Break - April 22-26
  • May 14th - Field trip to Shelburne Farms
  • May 27th - No School - Memorial Day
  • Last day of School - Wednesday, June 19th
  • 3rd Grade Graduation and Family Picnic - June 19th @ 5:30 - 7:00 
As always, thank you for your continued support! 

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