Sunday, April 23, 2023

Week 32


We had a great turn out on Wednesday for our Grandparents Breakfast.

Week 32 was another full week of activities at the Elmore School.  The highlight of our week was our 1st Annual Grandparents / Special Person Breakfast, which we prepared for throughout the day on Tuesday.  Thursday we had another chilly, yet engaging ECO class.  Sadly, Friday was not the day before vacation we planned, as we were all unexpectedly home for the day.  

During literacy lessons this week we began our final writing unit of the school year where students will be learning how to write a persuasive essay and persuasive letters as well as reviews.  We also worked on phonemic awareness and silent letters during spelling (phonics). 

In Math we concluded our unit on Fractions.  First and second graders took a unit assessment on Monday while third graders took theirs on Thursday,  First graders, then focused on the meaning of equal and the concept of a "balanced equation".  Second graders reviewed multi digit addition involving regrouping with a focus on place value.  Third graders finished fractions with a focus on comparing fractions and placing fractions in order on a number line.  

Throughout the day on Tuesday, groups of students helped to prepare the food for our grandparents breakfast.  Students helped to prepare french toast, slow cooker oatmeal, and fruit salad.  I also cooked up several batches of bacon and breakfast sausage.  Thank you to all the families who generously donated food for this occasion, and helped to set up tables and chairs on Tuesday afternoon. In all, we fed about 50 people!  On Wednesday morning the Town Hall filled up with awaiting grandparents and other special guests including a few members of the community.  We walked across the road to meet our guest and the room filled with smiles and hugs and warm welcomes!  Students and their guests filed into line filling their plates with the food students helped prepare, and then they sat together enjoying each other's company.  It was a heartwarming and joyous occasion.  We wish to thank everyone who turned out to join us Wednesday morning.   

On Thursday, during ECO, our focus turned to earth day and pollinators.  Students played a fun tag game called Bees Knees, Carrie shared a Cherokee story about bees.  During our focus lesson, students participated in a "signs of spring" scavenger hunt, and made seed fireworks using soil, clay, and wildflower seeds.  We will drop these into the grass (where it will be unmowed) in the hopes of spreading wildflowers of the pollinators.  During Forest Choice, students enjoyed widdling, and making paint from rocks.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!  See you in May!

Other Announcements:

  • School Banking is Monday - bring your deposits!
  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books!
  • PE is Thursday  - Students need their sneakers
  • ECO - Thursday, May 4 from 9-12.  Let me know if you would like to volunteer.
  • April Break: April 24-28, 2023.
  • Friday, May 12 - Circus and a Suitcase Assembly @ MES
  • Monday May 22nd  - Author Visit (Natalie Kinsley Wornock) @ MES
  • Friday, May 26th - Memorial Day Observance @ Peoples Academy Bandshell
  • No School Monday, May 29th to observe Memorial Day
  • Field Trip to the ECHO Center in Burlington - Wednesday, May 31, 2021
  • Friday June 2nd - 3rd graders visit MES /  Elmore Kindergarten / new students visit Elmore School
  • Wednesday, June 7th -  4th grade production of FROZEN @MES
  • Wednesday, June 14th - LAST DAY of SCHOOL - Early release
  • Wednesday, June 14th - Third Grade Graduation and family Picnic 5:30 - 7:00 pm

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Week 31


(taken @ 8:30 am 4/15/2023)

We were graced with a summer preview this week with days reaching well into the 70's and even some low 80's.  I think it is safe to say that Vermont's two complimentary seasons, known to all Vermonters as "mud season" and "sugaring season" have come (or are at least coming) to an end for another year.  Thursday was a perfect weather day to make some ice cream during ECO as we continue to explore the properties of matter.  In the classroom this week we finished our animal projects and shared them with each other.  We began our final writing unit, and wrapped up our unit on fractions.  With just one week until April break, we are definitely beginning to feel the inevitable push toward the end of the year.  

This week during literacy we worked on phonemic awareness and phonics.  Students are listening to and manipulating sounds and applying what they hear to reading and writing.  We reviewed suffix rules and spelling words with prefixes (there are so many!).  During writing, students finished their animal projects (we still have a few sculptures to complete), and had time to share them with friends.  When all the sculptures are complete we will set up a "museum" so parents can view them as well!

During Math we wrapped up our unit on fractions.  First and second graders are able to identify fractions using and area model (circles, squares, rectangles etc) and are beginning to use linear models (such as a number line).  Third graders have used linear models to identify proper and improper fractions and have identified and converted equivalent fractions (3/6 = 1/2, 1/3 = 3/6, etc.).  

During Science this week we explored properties of matter as we tested four types of candy to test their melting properties.   Later in the week, we further explored properties of matter as we explored the freezing properties of liquid as we made ice cream during ECO.  Students used different three methods: and old fashioned ice cream churner,  and ice cream ball, and a ziplock bag method.  In the ended up with a combination of "ice cream". The balls created the hardest ice cream, While the churner made a soft mixer, more like a milkshake.  The ziplock bag method was tricky, with two our four bags creating a soft icecream.  The other two bags remained liquid.  We ran out of the ice I brought and then had to improvise using snow that was still on the ground.  The children concluded that making ice cream is not easy but it was worth it in the end as they all enjoyed a tasty treat.

We have our Grandparents Breakfast next Wednesday morning.  If you have not returned your RSVP yet, please send it Monday.  We need a final count so we know how much food to prepare.  We will serve French toast, Oatmeal, bacon and sausage, fruit, and juice and tea.  Thank you to everyone who has signed up to donate food.  Please send donations in with your student on MONDAY MORNING, as will begin preparing on Monday and Tuesday.  If you signed up to set up tables, we will be doing that after school on Tuesday.  

The SMArt Squad after school enrichment program kicked off this week!  Students reported having a lot of fun as they explored some engaging science experiments!   Thank you to everyone who was able to participate this first week!  I know it was short notice. The next 5 weeks should be loaded with fun!

All third Grade Students will taking the new Vermont State Assessment known as Cognia.  We will begin taking some practice assessments the week we return from April Break on May 2nd and 3rd.  These allow the students to learn how to access the assessment on their ipads and how to use the various tools to respond to the the prompts/questions.  They will practice both English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. They are scheduled to take the ELA assessment on May 9th and 10th and the Math assessment on May 16th and 17th.  If you child is a 3rd grader, please make every effort to have your child well rested and at school on those days.  

We enjoyed breakfast for lunch on Friday as Tim Sargent prepared French toast, scrambled eggs, bacon and fruit for lunch on Friday.  We enjoyed our first lunch outdoors this spring and sat together at our new picnic tables!  Emily Sorensen is up next for Hot Lunch on Friday, April 21st (TBD).

Please email me you lunch orders for the week!

Other Announcements:

  • School Banking is Monday - bring your deposits!
  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books!
  • PE is Tuesday this week! - Students need their sneakers
  • Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - Grandparents Breakfast @9:00 in the Town Hall
  • ECO - Thursday, April 20 from 9-12.  Let me know if you would like to volunteer.
  • April 21 - TIGER Anti-Bullying Production at MES - permission slip will go home this week.
  • April Break: April 24-28, 2023.
  • Friday, May 12 - Circus and a Suitcase Assembly @ MES
  • Monday May 22nd  - Author Visit (Natalie Kinsley Wornock) @ MES
  • Friday, May 26th - Memorial Day Observance @ Peoples Academy Bandshell
  • No School Monday, May 29th to observe Memorial Day
  • Field Trip to the ECHO Center in Burlington - Wednesday, May 31, 2021
  • Friday June 2nd - 3rd graders visit MES /  Elmore Kindergarten / new students visit Elmore School
  • Wednesday, June 7th -  4th grade production of FROZEN @MES
  • Wednesday, June 14th - LAST DAY of SCHOOL - Early release
  • Wednesday, June 14th - Third Grade Graduation and family Picnic 5:30 - 7:00 pm
Water play the old fashioned way!
This snow was gone by the end of the week.

One day before the ice went out!

What a difference a week makes!

Last week this road was covered in snow...

Enjoying a snack while listening to a story.

These kids had to work to earn their reward!

making ice cream!

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Week 30

These students constructed this boat at the block center during Math Menu

We had another busy week at the Elmore School. It was brought to my attention this week that we only have about 8 weeks left in the school year!  We still have much to do before June 14th arrives. The full moon was evident in the energy that filled the classroom this week!  

During our literacy block, we manipulated sounds in words during our phonemic awareness lessons, students learned about prefixes, and irregular tense words.  We had guided reading groups, and students worked to finish their animal research projects. 

During math lessons student learned more about fractions in math.  First and second graders identified fractions of rectangles, circles, and squares, while third graders learned about improper fractions and they began comparing fractions.

Students explored properties of matter during science.  Earlier in the week students conducted investigations to test the insulating properties of materials. Thursday during ECO students learned about the unique nature of Vernal Pools, measured the current depth of the snowpack (we will compare next week), and conducted a properties of matter scavenger hunt.  During forest choice they roasted hot dogs on the fire, whittled sticks, and painted on the snow with watercolor paints. 

Friday, I sent home information and a permission slip for the SMArt Squad after school enrichment program.  We are excited to offer this wonderful opportunity for the Elmore students!  While I know it is busy time of year with baseball and other clubs and lessons students take part in, I hope that several student will be able to participate.  Recognizing that some children already have commitments on certain days, students can sign up to participate one or both days.   

We are preparing for our Grandparents Breakfast!  Please return the RSVP no later than Friday.  I know that some students do not have grandparents who live close by, so they have invited another relative or special person, which is great.  We've also invited a few special community members to join us, so there should be someone for everyone to eat with.  Next week I will be asking for some donated items to help with the breakfast.

Please email  me your school lunch orders for the week.  

Friday Family Hot Lunch (TBD) will be provided by Tim Sargent next week (April 14th)

Other Announcements:

  • School Banking is Monday - bring your deposits!
  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books!
  • PE is Thursday - Students need their sneakers
  • ECO - Thursday, April 13 from 9-12.  Let me know if you would like to volunteer.
  • Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - Grandparents Breakfast @9:00 in the Town Hall
  • April 21 - TIGER Assembly at MES
  • April Break: April 24-28, 2023.


Saturday, April 1, 2023

week 29

Students show off the hats they designed during a science lesson with a focus on properties
 of matter.

We had another busy week at the Elmore School!  Students tested properties of matter and designed hats using limited materials; we worked on our Nature Name Animal research and started our animal sculptures; we had E.C.O. where students compared the properties of sap and maple syrup, and then were treated to sugar on snow; and we ended the week with a visit from Kimmy, our Tooth Tutor, Fun Friday, and Tacos for Family Hot Lunch!  We saw some warm, early-spring, sunny days and endured a cold and blustery winter-like day during E.C.O..  

Spring is in the air!

Students worked hard on their Nature Name animal projects this week.  They have researched and are creating brochures and Lapbooks to display the information they have learned.  During art, they began sculpting animal sculptures from clay to go along with their research project.  Our phonics lessons this week had a focus on vowels sounds, and suffix rules.  

During math all students began learning about fractions.  Students have learned that a fraction is part of whole, and are identifying and showing the the number of equal parts that are in a whole (1), and what the parts are called.  Older students learned how to write the fraction shown.

This week we had our first E.C.O. since December.  We were tested by a blustery and very cold morning, but the children came prepared with warm clothes and everyone had a great time!  Our focus was on properties of matter.  Students played a fun freeze tag game featuring molecules freezing and thawing, then we made our way to the campfire for snack and a story.  Then students learned about how native Americans used hot stones to transfer heat in order to boil sap to make maple syrup (or maple sugar).  We looked at samples of sap and maple syrup to compare the properties of the liquids. (Thank you to Mrs. Bellavance for providing us with maple sap and maple syrup from her families sugaring operations!)  Students recorded their findings in their ECO journals.  While this was happening, we had maple syrup boiling in a kettle over the campfire.  Students observed the steam evaporating the water from the syrup into a gas. After our feature lesson, students were treated to sugar on snow where they observed the maple syrup transition into solid matter.  With the leftover syrup in the kettle we made maple sugar by further heating the syrup and stirring it.  This was another example of a liquid matter changing into a solid matter.

Friday was a busy day, which included a visit from the Tooth Tutor, where students learned the importance of brushing and flossing their teeth, Fun Friday, Family Hot Lunch, where students enjoyed a Soft Taco Bar and Birthday Cupcakes in celebration of Emelia's birthday!  In the afternoon students worked on their animal sculptures while listening to our read aloud The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane written by Kate DiCamillo.

That wraps up our week!

Please email me you school lunch orders for the week.

Other Announcements:

  • School Banking is Monday - bring your deposits!
  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books!
  • PE is Thursday - Students need their sneakers
  • ECO - Thursday, April 6 from 9-12.  Let me know if you would like to volunteer.
  • Friday, April 7th, Early release (12:10) (We WILL have school lunch available - No family Hot Lunch)
  • Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - Grandparents Breakfast @9:00 in the Town Hall
  • April Break: April 24-28, 2023.

The End!

Our third Grade Graduates! Our last week of the school year was packed with fun, making memories, hot weather, and goodbyes. On ...