Saturday, December 23, 2023

Happy Holiday


We had a busy week which began with another Monday storm, this one with rain causing localized flooding and navigating challenging road conditions, Unfortunately, we lost most of the snow that had fallen the previous three weeks.

Despite these unfavorable conditions, school remained open and parents were able to get students to school! The last few secret pal projects were completed, our penny challenge concluded and students totaled their collection.  In total they raised $197.40 for NCAL!  Our field trip to NCAL was postponed until a later date. 

Students count the funds they collected for our NCAL fundraiser.

During Literacy this week students wrote in their journals, worked on literacy centers, completed Lexia lessons and practice pages, and spent time silent reading.  On Wednesday, Mr. Heraty stopped by to read a couple of stories to the class!

During Math, students participated in daily illustrative math lessons, completed Dream box lessons and used math centers to practice their math skills!

On Friday our week culminated our week with a reading of the Polar Express.  Later students were treated to a movie and popcorn where they watched the movie, The Polar Express.  We went caroling to the Elmore Store and enjoyed a Pizza party for lunch!  We concluded our day with our Secret Pal gift exchange. (see photos below) 

I'd like to extend my gratitude to you all. Your support and appreciation are generous and heartfelt.  I feel blessed to have you all in my life, and everyday I feel lucky to come to work where I get to be your child's teacher.

I wish you all a happy holiday season filled with peace, love, and joy!


Diane Nicholls

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Week 15


Students writing their winter wishes for the forest on birch bark on Thursday during ECO.

Week 15 is in the books with just one more week until our December break.  We began the week with another messy storm which called for schools to remain closed on Monday, giving the children a four day weekend.  It continued to snow through the day on Tuesday which added a bit more powder to our snowy scape.  In the classroom students were busy working on their secret pal projects.  

We took a break from spelling this week as last week and this week were both short weeks.  Students had quizzes on Tuesday.  We will resume our regular routine when we return from December break.  Next week we will be busy finishing projects and gifts.  

During math this week, grade 1 made sense of different types of story problems and matched them to different equations.  Grade two also solved story problems involving addition (part unknown) or subtraction to find the difference.  Grade 3 explored concepts of area and square units.

During ECO on Thursday we were immersed in a winter wonderland!  We began our day by taking a moment to appreciate the wonder that winter brings by laying on our backs in the snow under the trees and noticing the trees from a different perspective...what a beautiful and peaceful moment!  I read The Wish Tree by Kyo Maclear and Chris Turnham.  This is a sweet story about a boy and his toboggan who go out on search for a wish tree.  Along the way, they encounter and help forest animals who are getting ready for winter. After a full day of searching they finally find their "wish tree" where the boy writes and leaves his wish.  After the reading, the children wrote their own wishes for the forest (animals) on birch bark and we left them on a "wish tree".  

During forest choice, students created tree cookie ornaments and pine cone/yarn ornaments, played in the snow, and enjoyed popcorn popped over the fire.  

We enjoyed venison shepard's pie and a beautiful winter salad, orange slices, and chocolate tapioca pudding for Hot Lunch on Friday.  Thank you to  Uma and Chloe Tartaglia and Shawn Smejkal, for this delicious meal.  We will NOT have family hot Lunch on Friday next week.  School lunch will be available.

Please email me your school lunch orders for the week.

 Other Announcements

  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books back.
  • School Banking is Monday - remember your deposits.  
  • December 25-29 - No School - December Break
  • January 1 - No school - New Years Day.
  • Thursday, Jan. 11th- Spruce Peak Theater and outdoor recreation begins - see permission slips in student Friday Folders.  Parents:  Please use this link to sign a waiver for the Curious Place Theater Program.  
  • No School Monday, January 15th (Martin Luther King Jr. Day.)


Friday, December 8, 2023

Week 14

It was another great week beginning with another messy storm and ending with Parent teacher conferences!  Thanks to everyone for taking time out of you busy lives to meet with me.  If you have any questions regarding your child's Mastery Report, please let me know.  

On Tuesday the children did such a wonderful job singing for the residents at Copley Manor.  They were respectful and considerate of everyone they met.  It takes a lot of courage to perform in front other people, and Mrs. Bellavance and  I were both so proud of everyone! 

On Thursday the cold temperatures caused us to rethink out ECO Plans.  We began ECO inside with a discussion about animal signs.  Then each students was given a tracking guide and shared things they noticed on the guide.  Next, students watched four short videos with a focus on how animals move.  We talked about the four categories: bounders (ex: weasel or otter), hoppers (ex:snowshoe hare, squirrel), walkers (ex: deer, fox), waddlers (ex: bear, skunk).  Finally students practiced moving like these different types of animals.  After snack, we bundled up and walked to the state park where we spent the rest of our morning focused on animal tracks and signs.  It was a wonderful morning filled with awe and wonder! We saw several deer tracks and signs, fox tracks and signs, lots of squirrel tracks, and what we believe were short tailed weasel tracks!   

Back in the classroom, some students began working on their Secret Pal projects.  Next week we will get into the full swing of projects.  

In Math, each grade completed a unit section.  First graders have been working on solving all sorts of word problems (add to, take from, comparison), second graders have been solving addition and subtraction problems within 100 in a way makes sense to them (with a focus on place value), and third graders have been learning about area and how it relates to multiplication.

During literacy, we learned about the welded sounds /ing/ and /ang/ (grade 1) and suffix __ing rules for when to double the consonant at the end of the word and when to just add ing.  We read a Scholastic News article a girl who follows a tradition of "her people" of playing Lacrosse.  Then students identified traditions they have in their own family.  

Due to our short week, we will have spelling quizzes on Monday next week.

Our Penny challenge is off to a great start!  Students may still bring in coins/dollars to put in their jars through next week.  We will conclude the challenge on Monday, December 18th so that we have time to count the money and get a point total.  The grade with the most points will get a Pizza party later that week.  On Thursday, December 21st, we'll visit NCAL to bring our donation to them.  While there, we will tour the facility, and students will read to some of the animals! Please find permission slips in your students folder next week.  

If the weather cooperates, I plan to bring the class to the State Park on the morning of Friday, December 22nd to go sledding.  Students will need to bring a sled to school that day.  In the after noon we will reveal our secret pals and open gifts.  If a parent or two would like to send in a special snack that day, please let me know in advance.  

Please email your lunch orders for the week.

Family Hot lunch will be provided by the Tartaglia/Smejkal Family (TBD) on Friday, December 15.

 Other Announcements

  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books back.
  • School Banking is Monday - remember your deposits. 
  • ECO  -  Thursday Dec. 14 - Please let me know if you would like to be a parent volunteer.  This will be our last ECO until March 21st.  
  • December 25-29 - No School - December Break
  • January 1 - No school - New Years Day.
  • Thursday, Jan. 11th- Spruce Peak Theater and outdoor recreation begins - see permission slips in student Friday Folders.  Parents:  Please use this link to sign a waiver for the Curious Place Theater Program.  
  • No School Monday, January 15th (Martin Luther King Jr. Day.)
Students listening to a story being read by one of our resident second graders who used her tickets to "buy" reading to the class!

Students passed out homemade cards to residents after their performance.

Friday, December 1, 2023

Week 13


The children roasted hotdogs over the fire during ECO on Thursday!

We were back together after our Thanksgiving break.  We started the week with a surprise dumping of heavy wet snow that caused us to have a delayed start back on Monday.  The lake has frozen over and it is looking more like winter than fall even if the calendar still says it's fall.  The snow provide a welcomed change for the children as they found new ways to play at recess and during ECO on Thursday.

As we prepared for the end of the first trimester, students had a busy week with some last assessments before the close of the marking period.  We concluded our first science unit on heredity and traits, and finished our narrative writing unit.  In math, third graders began their second unit with a focus on multiplication.  This week they explored area as they used pattern blacks and square tiles to find the area of a shape.  Second graders are finding strategies to solve subtraction problems involving two double digit numbers and regrouping.  First graders are exploring strategies to solve comparison problems using addition or subtraction.

At ECO on Thursday, students became animal experts.  The used animal information sheets to explore the area to determine if there was enough evidence in the area for the animal to stay active in Vermont during the winter.  During forest choice students enjoyed roasting hotdogs over the fire, building forts in the snow, and trying their hand at using flint and steel to start a fire.  Thank you to Paige Bowen and Tina Lyon for Volunteering! 

We began the process of Secret Pals projects on Friday.  Students know who their secret pal is and have planned a project they will work on over the next couple of weeks, which they will give to their secret pal. This is always one of the highlights of our school year.  If there any parents who are interested in volunteering to help with projects, please let me know.  We will generally work on projects between 10-11:30 on Monday - Wednesday.  

Next week we will begin our Penny Challenge fundraiser which will benefit NCAL.  Students can bring pennies and dollar bills (up to $10) to earn point for their grade level.  Silver coins are used to deduct points from their opponents' points.  We hope to visit NCAL later this month to bring our donation and read to the animals.  The grade with the most points will win a pizza party!

On Tuesday, Dec. 5th we will sing for the residence at Copley Manor.  Festive, holiday clothes are encouraged for this event.  

Next week we have parent teacher conferences on Friday.  Please call if you need a reminder about your time.  I look forward to meeting with you to share your child's progress!

Please email your lunch orders for the week.  

Other Announcements

  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books back.
  • School Banking is Monday - remember your deposits. 
  • ECO  -  Thursday Dec. 7 - Please let me know if you would like to be a parent volunteer.
  • Dec. 5th - trip to Copley Manor to sing for the residence
  • Dec. 8th - No School - Parent Teacher Conferences 
  • December 25-29 - No School - December Break
  • January 1 - No school - New Years Day.

The End!

Our third Grade Graduates! Our last week of the school year was packed with fun, making memories, hot weather, and goodbyes. On ...