Sunday, March 31, 2024

Week 28


We were back outdoors for our ECO this week!

We had a great week full of exciting learning opportunities which included a classroom visit from Mark Isselhardt (UVM Extention Maple specialist and Elmore Resident), E.C.O., Nature Name Animal Projects, and VTCAP testing practice (3rd grade), and some end of unit math assessments.  

Last week during literacy, students worked on their Nature Name presentation.  Presentations include: slide shows, books, posters, and presentation board.  Each student has also designed an art project to accompany their presentations.  Students got started on their projects last week as well.  Projects range from sculptures, to dioramas, to masks.  I recently completed an online course called Cultivating Creativity with Literacy, which as the name suggest, was all about engaging students in learning by fostering more creativity in the classroom through literacy.  My culminating project was developing this unit.  As a result I tired to give students more voice and choice in how they will demonstrate their learning by choosing they type of presentation and project they will create.  

During math, 2nd and 3rd graders both completed a unit and took end of unit assessments, and 1st graders worked on comparing two digit numbers with a focus on tens and ones.  With the end of the school year quickly approaching, I will be prioritizing math units and lessons to assure that the priority standards are the focus.

On Wednesday, Mark Isselhardt, UVM Extension Maple specialist, visited the Elmore School to teach the class about the maple sugaring.  The students learned about why and how the sugar maple tree produces sap, and how the sap is collected and turned into maple syrup, And everyone got a sample of maple syrup!  This was a perfect introduction for making sugar on snow at ECO on Thursday!  

3rd graders spent time practicing the VTCAP (Cognia) assessments last week.  They will take the English Language Arts (ELA) assessment on Tuesday April 2nd and Wednesday, April 3rd.  It is important that students are at school for these assessments unless they are sick.  It will benefit students to be well rested and have a good breakfast to start they day at their best.  Each assessment session typically takes 45-90 minutes.  Students who need more time will be allowed as much time as they need.  Students should be encouraged to apply effort and do their best, but not worry about their performance.  

Thank you to Brittney Sanville and Jesse Baker for Pizza, Caesar Salad, and cupcakes and ice cream for dessert for Hot Lunch on Friday!

Click here to view the April lunch menu.  Please email me your school lunch orders.  Deidra Keith will provide Hot Lunch (TBD) on Friday, April 5th.  

Other Announcements 

  • Banking is Monday - remember your deposits
  • Library is Monday - remember your books
  • PE - Wednesday -Students need their sneakers!
  • Thursday, April4th - ECO (Ashley Reynolds - parent volunteer)
  • 3rd Grade VTCAP testing - April 2, April 3, April 9, and April 10 - please avoid scheduling appointments on these mornings.
  • Monday, April 8th - NO SCHOOL- Full Solar Eclipse 
  • Wednesday, April 17th - 2nd annual Grandparents Breakfast @ 9:00 at the Elmore Town Hall
  • April Break - April 22-26
  • May 14th - Field trip to Shelburne Farms
  • May 27th - No School - Memorial Day
  • Last day of School - Tuesday, June 18th
  • 3rd Grade Graduation and Family Picnic - June 18th @ 5:30 - 7:00 
As always, thank you for your continued support! 

Friday, March 22, 2024

Week 27

Elmore students performed at their Annual Concert at the Elmore Town Hall on Thursday evening.

This was our first full week back in the classroom since before our winter break!  We had a busy week getting ready for our annual concert, and we resumed our ECO sessions on Thursday. It turned out to be one of our colder days of the year, which caused us to adjust our plans and stay inside for ECO.  We ended the week on Friday with Chinese lessons with Dan Peterson!

During writers workshop students have been working hard on their Animal (nature names) presentations.  Each student has chosen how they want to present their research.  Options include: a book, a Google slide show, a poster, a presentation board, a brochure or a lap book.  Every student (even the youngest) have chosen to type their information, and I've been completely impressed by their dedication and perseverance.  Next week the children will begin creating a project to go with their presentation.  We will working on these during Art class.

During Math first graders began their next unit which is all about number concepts to 99.  This week they represented and solved addition and subtraction involving ten's (50 - 30 = ___ ,   40 + 30 = ____).
Second graders are using number lines to solve addition and subtraction problems within 100, and third graders are matching representations (equations and diagrams) to situations involving two operations (addition and multiplication for example).

During ECO on Thursday, students had fun playing a predator and prey game.  Then we dove into our focus lesson about maps.  Students worked in a small group to draw a map of the classroom in which they marked a hidden treasure.  Then they swapped maps with another group who had to locate the hidden treasure by using the map.  Final we ended with choice time where some students made pine bark boats, others created pop up "book" characters, while others made tree cookie necklaces.  A fine time was had by all despite staying indoors.  fingers crossed for better weather next week!  Please let me know if you would like to volunteers to join us next week.

Bravo to the children for their outstanding performance at our concert on Thursday Night!  Thank you to all the parents, grandparents and special guests for joining us.  Everyone enjoyed the delicious goodies you all shared!  Thank you for all your support!  

Thank you to Jess Boutin for the yummy lunch on Friday.  We all enjoyed pizza and fresh strawberries!  We had cookies for dessert (left over from the Concert)!

Here is the link to the Lunch Menu.  Please email your school lunch orders by 6:00 pm on Sunday.
Brittney Sanville is on the schedule for Hot Lunch next Friday (March 29th): Shepards Pie, Rolls, and a special dessert!

Other Announcements 

  • Banking is Monday - remember your deposits
  • Library is Monday - remember your books
  • PE - Thursday next week -Students need their sneakers!
  • Thursday, March 28th - ECO
  • 3rd Grade VTCAP testing - April 2, April 3, April 9, and April 10 - please avoid scheduling appointments on these mornings.
  • Monday, April 8th - Early Dismissal - Full Solar Eclipse 
  • Wednesday, April 17th - 2nd annual Grandparents Breakfast @ 9:00 at the Elmore Town Hall
  • April Break - April 22-26
  • May 14th - Field trip to Shelburne Farms
As always, thank you for your continued support! 

Friday, March 15, 2024

Week 26

It was another short week, beginning with a surprise snow day and ending with Family/Teacher conferences!  Thank you to everyone for taking time out of you day to meet with me.  It is a true pleasure to share with you all your child is accomplishing!  I feel very lucky to work in such a supportive school and community and I cherish you all! Trimester 2 Mastery Reports should go home at the end of next week. 

There is not a whole lot to share this week.  We spent time this week preparing for out concert!  We are getting excited to perform for you next Thursday evening.  Kindly have your child at the Town Hall by 6:20 so we can get organized and be ready to begin at 6:30.  Please bring a light refreshment or baked good to share following the concert. 

We also have our first day back at ECO on Thursday!  Volunteers are Ashely Reynolds and Tina Lyon.  Volunteers should be at the school by 9:00 am.  We will do our best to back to school at 12:00.  Please pack snow pants or rain pants and a hat and gloves and a warm coat.  It will likely be a little chilly.

Here is the link to the school Lunch Menu.  You may order hot lunch for Monday and Wednesday and Sandwiches or salads Monday - Thursday.  Jess Boutin will provide Pizza for Hot Lunch on Friday!  If your child does not plan to have Hot Lunch on Friday, please plan to pack a lunch from home.  

Please email school lunch orders by 6:00 pm on Sunday.  Thanks!

Other Announcements 

  • Banking is Monday - remember your deposits
  • PE - Monday this week  Students need their sneakers!
  • Library is Tuesday this week- remember your books
  • Thursday, March 21st - ECO
  • Thursday, March 21st   - Annual Elmore School Concert @6:30 pm at the Elmore Town Hall 
  • 3rd Grade VTCAP testing - April 2, April 3, April 9, and April 10 - please avoid scheduling appointments on these mornings.
  • Monday, April 8th - 12:10 dismissal - Full Solar Eclipse (view at the school starting at 2:45)
  • Wednesday, April 17th - 2nd annual Grandparents Breakfast @ 9:00 at the Elmore Town Hall
  • April Break - April 22-26
  • May 14th - Field trip to Shelburne Farms
As always, thank you for your continued support! 


Friday, March 8, 2024

Week 25


I hope everyone had a wonderful week during our winter break.  I've enjoyed hearing about what everyone did over their vacation. This week has been a short week back following our winter break.  After a very grey and rainy start to the week it was nice to see the sun shine on Friday!

During literacy this week, we started the process of researching our animals for our nature names.  Students are using a combination of either digital books (on EPIC) or paper books to answer questions they have asked about their animals.   When their research is done, students will decided how they will present their information: a report, a book, a slideshow, a poster, or brochure.  And students will design and create a project (sculpture, diorama, painting, diagram, etc) to go along with their writing.

In Math third graders estimated where numbers would be and on an open number line and are learning to round to the nearest 10 and 100.  Second graders estimated numbers on a number line and then began matching equations to number line representations.  First graders are solving subtraction problems by either taking away or adding on.

On Friday we had a Calf update and had a Discover Dairy lesson about how dairy farmers care for their animals.  I'm excited to have planned a field trip to the Shelburne Farm this spring!  More information about that will follow.

As you may have heard, the schools in the LSUU will be having an early dismissal on April 8th.  I had originally thought about having a viewing party at the Elmore School after our regular dismissal.  Becuase we are now getting out early, if anyone is interested in coming back to school to view the eclipse from the school yard you are welcome to do so.  I have viewing glasses for everyone (including immediate family members), so please do not purchase any.

Next Friday we will have family /teacher conferences.  Students are encouraged to attend as they will be part of the conversation and will choose work or an activity to share with you.  If you need a reminder about the what time you signed up for, please reach out to me. 

Our concert is scheduled for Thursday, March 21st at 6:30pm.  Please see the letter in your child's Friday Folder which has more information about the concert.

We will also resume  our weekly ECO lessons on Thursday, March 21st!  Please let me know if you would like to volunteer to join us for one of the upcoming lessons.  We are also in need of more firewood for our campfires.  Let me know if you can help!

Thank you to Ray Boutin for the delicious  Tuscan Soup, cantaloupe, and banana bread for dessert fro hot lunch on Friday!
Please email me your school lunch orders for Monday - Thursday

Students have eared their next reading reward!  We will decided next week what we will do.  They have collectively read over 16,000 minutes at home this year!  

Other Announcements 

  • Library is Monday - remember your books
  • Banking is Monday - remember your deposits
  • PE - Tuesday and Wednesday next week :  Students need their sneakers!
  • March 14th - 2nd trimester ends.
  • Thursday, March 14 - early release (12:10pm)
  • Friday, March 15th - No School.  Teacher/Family conferences
  • Thursday, March 21st - ECO
  • Thursday, March 21st   - Annual Elmore School Concert @6:30 pm at the Elmore Town Hall 
  • Monday, April 8th - 12:10 dismissal - eclipse (view at the school starting at 2:45)
  • Wednesday, April 17th - 2nd annual Grandparents Breakfast @ 9:00 at the Elmore Town Hall
  • 3rd Grade VTCAP testing - April 2, April 3, April 9, and April 10 - please avoid scheduling appointments on these mornings.
  • April Break - April 22-26
  • May 14th - Field trip to Shelburne Farms
As always, thank you for your continued support!  

The End!

Our third Grade Graduates! Our last week of the school year was packed with fun, making memories, hot weather, and goodbyes. On ...