Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The End!

Our third Grade Graduates!

Our last week of the school year was packed with fun, making memories, hot weather, and goodbyes. On Monday we celebrated the end of the year with field days in the afternoon. The children played human Hungry Hippos (see photos below), Drip Drip Drop, parachute games, the bucket dump challenge, and water/sponge relay.  On Tuesday we enjoyed time at the beach with MES.  The children enjoyed swimming and playing in the sand on the beach.  It was a good way to beat the heat and have some fun together in a different way!  Thank you to MES for providing this opportunity.  A huge shout out to the third grade families who gifted the Elmore School an amazing outdoor play kitchen!  The kids had so much fun playing with it this week!

Students enjoyed using the completed outdoor play kitchen built and given by the third grade families!
This will make a great addition to our playgroun.

Our third grade graduation and family picnic was a great success despite the opressive temperatures.  Thank you all for attending to bid the third graders farewell and celebrate our year together  It's nice to when we can all gather together, and there was much delicious food!  Thank you! 

We have several pots of flowers and two raised bed gardens we planted this spring.  If you are driving by or stopping to play at the playground, it would be wonderful to have some help watering the plants (especially during periods without rain).  There is a rain barrel and a watering can by the shed as well as a water spigot on the front side of the school.  Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you all for your continued support.  I'm so happy we will be back next year and The Elmore School will operate as usual! I appreciate you all so much. 

Here are some photos from our last week!
Have a wonderful summer!

Friday, June 14, 2024

week 38


We had a wonderful, last full week of the school year.  Some hight lights were: 

  • Student Advisory Project and Lunch.  Student painted ceiling tiles to commemorate our year together.  Then we were treated to Pizza, Sandwiches, salads and cookies for dessert!

  • Lunch at Martha and George Twombly's property:  Students enjoyed homemade macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, watermelon, chips, and ice cream, cupcakes, and cookies.  
  • Hiking Elmore Mountain: On Thursday we reached new heights as braved Elmore Mountain.  Students enjoyed a picnic lunch with a view of Lake Elmore and the village.  they cooled off their feet in the brook at the end of the hike!  Great Job everyone!

  • On Friday, we had fun working together on some Kiwi Crate STEM Projects and ended the day with our last Fun Friday!  
Next week we have a full day of school on Monday and Dismissal at 12:10 on Tuesday.  We will spend some time Tuesday morning at the Beach at Elmore State Park.  Please send swimsuits, a towel, and sunscreen!  Please return permission slips on Monday!

3rd Grade Graduation and the Elmore Family Picnic will be Tuesday, June 18th from 5:30 - 7:00 at the Elmore School yard.  Please bring lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on and a dish to share! Extended family members are welcome to join us.

Hot Lunch is available on Monday (Macaroni and Cheese) and Sandwiches are available on Tuesday.
Please email your lunch orders.  (We are out of cereal and milk for breakfast).

Friday, June 7, 2024

Week 37


It is amazing to be writing about week 37!  We are definitely winding down the school year and wrapping up a lot of loose end.  This week we completed some reading assessments, first graders took their final P.N.O.A. (Primary Numbers and Operations Assessment), and students are finishing up writing projects.  We squeezed in a trip to Spruce Peak Arts for a live performance of Ada Twist Scientist and Friends, and in Math we had a focus on Time.  On Friday we had our final Chinese Lesson of the year.  The students have really enjoyed these lessons and look forward to them.  Thank you to Dan Peterson for all of her time and effort planning lessons and giving the students a opportunity to learn a new language!  We also planted our gardens this week!  At the beginning of May we started seeds inside.  On Friday students helped to prepare the garden beds by weeding and tilling the soil.  Then some students helped with getting the plants in the garden.  In the fall we should be able to harvest squash, broccoli, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, tomatillos, celery, and several varieties of flowers.  

Thank you to all who contributed to our final Friday Hot Lunch.  Students enjoyed hotdogs, watermelon, carrots, potato chips, and for dessert...fruit pops!  

Please email your school lunch orders for next week.  We will have Hot lunch options on Monday and Wednesday and sandwiches and salads available Monday - Friday next week.  


  • Last Library of the year on Monday 
  • PE is Wednesday (Last one!) - Students NEED SNEAKERS!
  • June 12th - Lunch at Martha and George Twombly's house (Beach Road) - return permission slips on Monday, please.
  • Last day of School - TUESDAY, JUNE 18TH  - 12:10 dismissal
  • End of year Celebration/3rd grade graduation/Elmore School Family Picnic (All are invited) - Tuesday, June 18th @ The Elmore School from 5:30 - 7:00 pmsign up here

The End!

Our third Grade Graduates! Our last week of the school year was packed with fun, making memories, hot weather, and goodbyes. On ...