Saturday, January 23, 2021

Week 21

As is often the case in January, the snow has been persistent this week, keeping a fresh layer of snow blanketing our playground each day this week.  The children have been busy building forts and snow structures.  Inside the classroom students were busy reading, writing, and computing. 

During our literacy block, we began our week with students writing their own dream for a better world (based on MLK's speech, I Have a Dream). These were inspirational to read, and give me so much hope for the future.  Students also worked on composing and refining their teaching books (informative text).  This week we examined other books to learn how a Table of Contents is structured and how they aid in the overall organization of a books.    

This week we read about Ruby Bridges and how she, like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., was a brave because she showed up for school everyday, even when she as the only student and people protested with signs saying they didn't want her at the school.  The book was a different type of teaching text because it was an Autobiography (written by Ruby Bridges).  

Students also took the STAR reading (or Early Literacy) assessment this week.  The is the our second Benchmarking period of the year.  The assessment is a screening tool we use to show growth over the school year, as well as students' strengths and weaknesses.  Reports are generated to show where a students' reading skills fall on a proficiency scale,  and what skills students are ready to work on next.  

We also took the STAR Math assessment this week.  Similarly to the the STAR reading assessment, this is a screening tool used to help us see where students fall on a proficiency scale, what the students' strengths and weaknesses are in the various standards of mathematics within their grade level, and what skills they are ready for next.

Other things in in Math this week included third grade finishing Module 1.  They took their end of Module assessment.  Students finish their math menus from last week with second grade focusing on place value and decomposing numbers into the expanded form, and first grade working on doubles and doubles +1 addition strategies with in 10.  On Friday we focused on reading analogue clocks (standard clocks) to the hour and minute. 

We are about half way to our next reading reward!  On Friday, students voted for the next reward.  It was a close race between extra recess and a school dance.  After counting the votes, it was determined that our next reading reward will be a social distanced (Covide Safe) school dance.  Students need to read about 2,000 more minutes (collectively) to earn this reward.  If they keep reading and submitting their reading logs we should have our dance in about 3 more weeks!  The dance will take place during school hours.  

This week we read The Wolves Return by Celia Godkin.  In this lovely book we learned how the wolves that once roamed through the hills of Wyoming were killed off by ranchers in an effort to keep their livestock safe.  Without the wolves, the Elk and deer population in the area increased.  As a result trees and vegetation became over grazed, which in turn affected the rivers and other animal species.  in 1995 scientist reintroduced wolves to Yellowstone National Park in an effort to bring balance and diversity back to the ecosystem.  What we resulted was beyond what anyone imagined.  

In Art this week students began crafting Mosaics using square or paper (to represent stones or tiles).  We will finish these projects next week.

On Friday we had Farm To School featuring a lesson on becoming a brave food taster.  Ms. Molly read I Will Never not Ever eat a Tomato, by Lauren Child.  In the story Lola is nervous to try new foods until the foods are renamed into something fun and interesting. Then she is eager to try them.  


  • Library is Monday!  Remember to bring your Library books and activity bags!
  • Tuesday and Thursday are PE at 8:00.  Students need their sneakers!
  • Vivian is missing a Black mitten.  The brand is ZERO (printed on the velcro strap). She ended up with a mismatched set, so someone else is also missing their mitten.  Please check your black mittens!
  • Please assure ipads are charged so we can use them during the day.
  • I've recently placed an order for new headphones.  Students will keep these at school as many students have not been bringing their headphones to school with them (or the ones they have are no longer working).  The old ones can be used at home or you are welcome to provide your own for home use.
  • We will Celebrate Valentine's Day on Friday, February 12th.  I will send home a Class List next week.  As is tradition, we will also be making valentines (at school) for the Post Office Patrons at the Elmore Store. 
  • The 100th Day of school is approaching and should be on Monday, February 15th.  In the next couple of weeks we will be deciding how we would like to commemorate the day.   
  • There is NO SCHOOL on Friday, Feb. 5th as this is reserved as in Inservice day for Faculty. 
  • February Break is Feb. 22 - March 2 this year.  School resumes on Wednesday March 3rd (remote).
  • Please email me your lunch orders!

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