Saturday, May 29, 2021

Week 37

As we are winding down the school year, there are just a few notes and announcements for you this week.

Students have been finishing up their memory letters and working on their finishing their stories.  We were so excited to see our published class book this week!  I hope you all enjoyed reading through it too!

While I am still finishing up assessing students reading levels, we did finished the last of our formal testing of the year this week, with first graders taking the PNOA on Thursday.  

We had the last last spelling test of the year this week, so there will be no spelling homework next week. As you can imagine, the students were not disappointed to hear this new!  

On Friday we participated in a virtual Memorial Day Observance along with the Morrisville Schools.  It is a Vermont state Law that all schools Observe Memorial Day on the last Friday in May.  

Our last library class will be Tuesday, June 1st.  ALL LIBRARY BOOKS and BAGS need to be returned! Students will be coming home with books on Tuesday, which they will be theirs to keep.  

I would also like to ask that any classroom books that have made their way into your homes over the school year be returned in this next week.  

Our last day of school is Friday, June 11th.  Dismissal is at 12:00.  Our Third Grade Graduation and End of Year Family Picnic will be that afternoon beginning at 5:00 at the Elmore State Park Pavillion.  I'm looking forward to see you all there!

Please let me know if you are able to help with watering the gardens at the School over the summer.  I would like to put together a schedule of volunteers.  If it continues to be this dry, watering will be a must!

I know some of you are planning to travel out of the state this weekend.  Students who travel out of Vermont are permitted to attend school upon their return, but they will need to have a Covid Test within three days of their return.  We appreciate your attention to this requirement as we wind down this unprecedented school year.  

Wishing you all a wonderful long weekend!  

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The End!

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