Saturday, January 8, 2022

Week 18


Happy New year!   We began the week with a full classroom of children who were happy to be back to school after a nice December Break.  It was so nice to see all their smiling faces and hear all about their break.  We had our 80th day of school this week, which means our 100th day of less than twenty school days away!

This week we began a poetry unit.  Together, we have been listening to and reading several poems.  We have learned that poetry is unlike fiction and non-fiction and does not follow many of the writing conventions as as other genres.  Poetry can be about anything and often and often expresses a person's feelings.  Students learned that poetry starts in the heart and is found everywhere.  Most anything we experience can be turned into a poem.  On Friday we took a Nature Poetry Walk where students were asked to tune into their senses.  When we got back to school the children used a graphic organizer to list what they saw, what they smelled, what they heard, and what they felt.  Then they chose one of the things to write a nature a poem about.  We ended with a poetry reading where students shared their nature poems.  

During math we all focused on adding coins and dollar bills this week.  Level 1 students added two types of coins or bills to find the total value, level 2 students added up to three types of coins or bills to find the total value, and level three students added up to four coins or bills to find the total value.  

As Covid positive cases increase in the community, it seems harder and harder to avoid transmission, and the Elmore School is not immune to this virus. As you are aware by now, we had another positive Covid case this week.  Our goal is to keep school open for in school instruction.  Monday we will begin "test to stay" for unvaccinated individuals.  Fully vaccinated individuals will not be tested and do not need to quarantine unless they develop symptoms.  Please check your email for a Google Form to complete prior to Monday morning or click HERE to access the Google form. Over the next week, continue to monitor your child for symptoms and if they have any symptoms of Covid-19, please keep them home and get a PCR test. Together we will get through this!

Additionally, we are taking stricter health and safety precautions while at school.  Students are being asked to wear their masks at all times unless they are eating (or drinking) both inside and out.  When possible we will eat in shifts to allow fewer people to be unmasked at a time.  We will continue to clean and disinfect surfaces and use good hygiene practices. These mitigations, along with our clean air system will help keep students healthy.  Please send at least TWO properly fitting, clean masks each day, as students are wearing them outdoors and when they come in their masks are wet.  

Mr. Wills asked me to remind you all to make sure students have sneakers on Tuesday and Friday for PE.  Crocs are ok for the classroom, but they are not safe for PE.  Students are encouraged to keep a pair of sneakers at school so they do not need to remember them each time. 


PE and library are hold next week for Monday and Tuesday.  Depending on how things go at the beginning of the week we will decide about PE on Friday.  

Ms. Leapold would like to meet with with Third Graders for recorder lessons on Thursday for the next few weeks. 

I've decided to suspending the Friday Hot Lunch for the time being as we need to limit the number of contacts students have at school.   Hopefully we will be able to resume serving lunch in a couple of weeks.  

EMAIL me your lunch orders for Monday - Friday

Several parents have asked me about the Friday Ski Program.  As of now, I have no new information. As soon as I know more, I will let you know!

There is NO SCHOOL Monday, Jan 17th (Martin Luther King Jr. Day) - Teacher PD
There is NO SCHOOL Friday, February 4th - Teacher PD

Lamoille South Unified Union (LSUU) Capital Improvement Subcommittee

The LSUU Capital Improvement Subcommittee is seeking an Elmore resident to join in our capital improvement planning process. This subcommittee will help plan future projects and build stakeholder support around improvements that will best meet the needs of our students. Please complete the application found HERE prior to January 14 if you are interested in serving. Applications will be reviewed and interested individuals contacted.

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