Friday, January 28, 2022

Week 21

Mixed Media Art depicting Elmore students doing outdoor winter activities!

Week 21 has been busy and cold!  We had more than one day where the cold kept us inside.  Students have made the most of it as we had opportunities to play more board games and pull up some toys from the basement that haven't been played for a couple of years.  We have already had more indoor recesses this year than we had all last year!  Fortunately, February is right around the corner and the days are getting longer the sun is getting stronger.  

This week we kicked off our unit on Non-fiction reading and writing (reading and writing to inform).  We began the week by looking at examples of non-fiction books to notice all the unique text features found in them.  Later in the week the students read books with the focus on 1)Noticing, 2) Learning, 3) Questioning. Students also picked a topic they know alot about and began the planning process for writing their own book to teach about a topic.  Finally, the students learned how to write an introduction with a "hook".

In Math, level 2 and 3 students began using math models to solve word problems, while level on students worked on additions strategies.

During Music this week 2nd and 3rd graders braved the cold in the town hall to work with Mrs. Leapold on Ukulele.  Later in the day we sang in a round (a round is when one group begins and the other groups echos the first group while the first group continues to sing, so the first group finishes before the second group) and worked on note values using legos!

Please sign and return the permission slip and waiver form found in your child's Friday Folder.  These need to be returned on Monday so I can begin coordinating equipment and groups for Thursday.  I have several parents who have volunteered to help!  Please also indicated these available dates on the permission slip.  We are still working out the fine details of getting equipment so we are asking students to use their own equipment whenever possible (especially for this first week).

Thank you to the Reynold's Family for providing us with Hot Lunch on Friday.  We all enjoyed freshly grilled Hot Dogs, Tomato Soup, and Clementines!   The DiMotta's are on the Schedule for hot lunch on the February 11th.

There is NO SCHOOL next Friday, Feb. 4th

February Break is the February 21-March 1st. Return to school on Wed. March 2nd.

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