Friday, April 8, 2022

Week 30


This week started with a lot of gusto!  It feels like the children have been bursting at the the seams with energy these past few weeks.  Spring fever perhaps?  I am working hard to slow the pace down while giving them more outlets for their physical energy  (in the form of more outdoor time).   We ended the week with a  early dismissal and a slightly calmer energy (maybe the rainy, cooler morning had us all slowing down).  We have one more week until vacation and then we will be in the final stretch.

Students began the week by writing a persuasive letter to convince me to either continue assigning homework or discontinue assigning homework.  As you can imagine, students wrote with a great deal of passion! While the majority tried to convince we to stop assigning homework, there were 3 individuals (one from each grade level) who argued, with great reason, that we should continue having homework.  Because the students wrote with such enthusiasm, I told them that next week we will have a trial run without homework (other than reading).  So next week you can expect little homework, but I did tell them if they do not complete their assignments during the day, they will need to bring it home to complete.

During Math this week we all began learning about fractions.  Students have been using a fraction bar and shapes to find and show fractions.  The big takeaway is that fractions represent equal parts of a whole. 

We also circled back to Economics, which we touched upon at the beginning of the year.  This week we discussed what money is used for and compared needs vs. wants.  During this unit students will be earning  "dollars" for each lesson completed and will have the opportunity to earn to earn additional "dollars" for being caught being a "good citizen".  They all have a little paper wallet to store their money. At the end of the Unit we will have a "school store" where students can spend the money they have earned.  After vacation we will also have a representative from the Union Bank come to visit the school to talk about the importance of saving money.  During this unit students will be asked to invent a "product" that could be sold (as a good).  I will send home more about this project in the coming weeks.

During Music this week students had fun composing rhythms using lego pieces to represent the note values.  It was fun to compare how the note values related to fractions in math!  You will find these rhythms in their Friday Folders.  See if your child can clap their rhythm for you!

During art, students are working on animals drawings with the focus on drawing like a scientist!  This means they have to look closely at a photograph,, listening to feedback, and make additional draft.  When students have improved their drawing as much as they are able to, then they will add color and details.  

Thanks to everyone who has been to our Informational Poster Museum at the Town Hall!  The students are so proud to show you their work.  It's fun to see how different students showcased their information about their animal's!  The museum will be open at dismissal on Monday for anyone who has not yet had the chance to stop by.  If you need more time after that, please contact me and we will arrange a time for you to stop view their work.

Announcements:(so many!)

  • We have ECO on Wednesday, April 13. Please let me know if you can volunteer or donate firewood.
  • Scholastic Book Orders Due Monday, April 11th.  (Last one for the school year!)
  • Library is Monday - remember your books!
  • PE Tuesday and Friday - you need your sneakers!
  • Hot Lunch Friday (provided by Izzy Sorensen's family)
  • Email me lunch orders for Monday-Thursday
  • April Break: April 18-22  
  • Field Trip to the Montshire Museum: Monday, May 16 @ 8:15-2:30
  • SBAC testing for 3rd grade will take place May 18, 19, 24, and 26.  There will be make days for students who miss a test, but please try not to schedule any appointments for these dates. 
  • Last Day of School and 3rd grade Graduation/ family Picnic: Tuesday, June 14, 2022

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