Saturday, May 14, 2022

Week 34

We are so grateful to Kate and Mike for hosting us for lunch on the deck at the Elmore Store!

This week was filled with so much!  Third graders practiced for SBAC testing on Tuesday and Thursday.  Wednesday all students took the STAR Math assessment and on Friday all students took the STAR reading assessment.  On Thursday we concluded our economics unit with a unit test and then the students had the opportunity to spend their school dollars at the "School Store."  Wednesday we had ECO with our last campfire of the year, and Friday we were treated to Hamburgers and Hot dogs, orange slices, pasta salad, lemonade (and ice cream for dessert) by the Kate and Mike at the Elmore Store!  We even got to eat on the deck overlooking the lake!  We ended the week with a trip to MES to watch the fourth graders perform the Lion King!  Phew!  That was a lot for one week! As you can see, this is a very busy and exciting time of the school. 

Not only did the black flies make their annual comeback this week, but the days began to feel more like the middle of July, making it difficult to be outdoors at times!  On Friday the group ended up retreating into the town hall to finish PE because the black flies were so thick!  If you want your child to wear sunblock or bug spray, you should supply it.  I've told the children they are not allowed to share these items or use someone else's due to the chymical nature of both.  Similarly, I will not apply these items to your child.   

During ECO on Wednesday, students began with a fun tag game, they made rain gages, went on a spring nature scavenger hunt, made s'mores during forest choice, and fought off lots of black flies!  Thanks you to Melissa DiMotta and Healther Hill for Volunteering this week. Our next ECO will be on May 25th, and we will be hiking up to the Beaver Pond on Elmore Mountain.  Please let me know if you would like to join us for this last ECO event of the school year.

Monday is our field trip to the Montshire Museum.  The bus will be leaving at 8:15.  Please DO NOT be late on Monday.  Chaperones can plan to arrive at 8:00 (or just stay when you bring your child).  All students need a cold bag lunch and a water bottle (or drink), and a mask.

On Friday, May 20th we will be going to MES again to see Dinoman!  I will send home a permission slip early next week for this trip.

Announcements:(so many!)

  • Library will take place on Tuesday through the end of May.
  • PE Tuesday and Friday - you need your sneakers and extra socks!
  • Please send slippers or an extra pair of indoor shoes for students to wear inside.
  • Field Trip to the Montshire Museum: Monday, May 16 @ 8:15-2:30 
  • Fri. May 20th: "Dinoman" at MES. The bus will pick us up at 10:10 and we will return by bus after the assembly.
  • Hot Lunch Friday, May 20th will be generously provided by Uma Tartaglia's Family
  • Email me lunch orders for Tuesday-Thursday
  • SBAC testing for 3rd grade will take place May 18, 19, 24, and 26.  There will be make days for students who miss a test, but please try not to schedule any appointments for these dates. 
  • No School - Monday, May 30th in observance of Memorial Day.
  • Elmore 3rd grade to visit MES 4th grade - Friday June 3rd from 1:30 - end of the day. (parent drivers needed at 1:30.  Students will be picked up at MES or take the bus from MES at the end of the day). More info to come!  
  • The Last Day of School Tuesday, June 14, 2022
  • 3rd Grade Graduation/ Elmore School Family Picnic: Tuesday, June 14, 2022 from 5-7 @ Elmore State Park.

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