Students lowered their masks for a brief moment to capture their smiles as they show off their new school shirts! I can hardly believe we just completed our tenth week of the school year! I guess the saying is true, "Times flies when you are having fun!" Students showed their school spirit this week as we all wore our new school shirts to school on Tuesday. Thank you so much to Heather Hill and local community members who made this happen. We are truly honored to have these shirts! This week students selected one of there personal narratives to edit, rewrite and make their best. I hope to wrap up our first writing unit in the next week. Reading groups have begun, though I am still finishing up some reading assessments. At this point I have enough information about students to form groups. These groups will begin meeting more regularly in the coming weeks. Second and third graders learned about two types of syllables: Open syllables, and Closed syllables. Their spelling words this week focused on words with open syllables, but some had open and closed syllables. Students collectively read, a record, 2,134 minutes at home this week! They have summited Pico Mountain and we are now onto Jay Peak! We voted on our next reading reward today. Students choose to watch a movie as a reading reward. We are very close to completing our read aloud chapter book, Tale of Despereaux, so I hope to be able to show this movie to the class sometime in the near future! Keep up all the great reading! This week in Math we began by focusing on measuring and comparing length with nonstandard and standard measurement tools. On Thursday and Friday, third graders learned about finding the perimeter of squares and triangles and area of a rectangle. This lead into our next unit which will focus on multiplications! First and Second graders transitioned from measuring and comparing length to using a numberline as a tool for Addition. Wednesday we had our second ECO Lesson. Originally we planned to do a focus lesson on "Sun Stories and Sundials", however we shifted our focus to "Becoming Squirrels" when we learned there was snow in the forecast.! This lesson focused on animal adaptations and how animals get ready for the winter, and then what might happen during the long cold winter if an animal runs out of food. We played a fun tag game called Biologist, and we had our first campfire and roasted apples with cinnamon and sugar over the fire. On Thursday students had a lesson on Economics. We reviewed the meaning of Goods and Services as well as Producers and Consumers. After reading A Bargain for Frances by Russell Hoban, we discussed what a bargain is. Then students were given fliers from stores and they were told they had $50 to spend, with the idea that they try to "purchase" as much as they could for $50 without going over. Students worked in groups of three students and had a recorder, and a reporter. They had to keep track of the items they purchased, how much each item cost and the total amount spent. In the end two groups over spent, so that ended up being another lesson in budgeting and over spending! In Art this week we learned about One Point Perspective. Students began composing a drawing using this concept. Next week we will finish them. In Music we sang a fun movement game focusing on slow and fast tempo called Willowbee. Then we had a focus lesson around note values. We learned about the whole note (4 beats), the half nate (2 beats), the quarter note (1 beat) and the eighth note (1/2 beat), and were able to play a quick game of note value 4 corners. Several folks have asked about doing the Friday Ski and Skate Program this year as was done in the past prior to Covid. It does look like some form of this will take place this winter, but details are still being worked out. As soon as I know more information on this I will let you know! Hot Lunch next next Friday is being offered by Penelope's family. Stay tuned for the munu! PIZZA DAY! We are having another school lunch pizza day on Wednesday, November 10th! I will take a count at school next Monday to find out how many are planning to have Pizza. Please Email me other lunch orders for Monday, Tuesday next week.
Morristown Elementary Dose 1 Date – 12/17/2021
Morristown Elementary Dose 2 Date – 01/07/2022
Stowe Elementary Dose 1 Date – 01/11/2022
Stowe Elementary Dose 2 Date – 02/01/2022
The LSUU School District has begun the antigen Test to Stay (TTS) program. If you would like your child to participate in this program, please provide consent HERE. Only if your child is unvaccinated and a close contact would this apply but it is important to sign the consent form prior to a potential situation as the system takes at least one day to upload a consent form.
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