Thursday, November 10, 2022

Week 11


Students enjoy some time together partner reading.

We had another busy, short week at the Elmore School.  This week we began our PBIS reward system.  Students have been collecting tickets all week.  Due to our short week, we will be cashing in and depositing tickets on Monday.  Tuesday was election day and we had Farm to school!  And, Thursday we enjoyed another beautiful morning at ECO!

On Tuesday we participated in Election Day.  On Monday students held nominations and primary vote for their first reading reward on the year.  The three rewards chosen were: A movie, a dance party, and a history day. Then on Tuesday we listened to the book Today on Election Day by Catherine Stier.  After the students voted by secret ballot in our "voting booth".  When the votes were counted, Dance and Movie were tied so we had to have a write in vote between the two options.  In the end the majority voted for a Dance.  Next Tuesday afternoon we will have our Dance party at the Town Hall.

On Tuesday we also had Farm to School where students participated in making buttercup squash muffins using the squash we grew in our school garden, and they explored garlic and we have some garlic cloves we will be planting for next summer!

Thursday we had another gorgeous fall morning at ECO where students focused on biodiversity and what happens to an ecosystem when one of the species native to the environment is removed (and similarly what happens with a non native species is introduced to an ecosystem).  At forest choice students whittled sticks, roasted apples, jumped in the leaves, and made cordage under the coaching of two of our students. We ended the day with journaling in our sit spots while sipping Balsam tree tea, and then a Gratitude circle where students shared something they are thankful for.  Thank you to Caitlin Mahony for volunteering for ECO this week!  Please let me know if you would like to join us next week!

Please email me your lunch orders by Sunday at 6:00 pm

Family Hot lunch will by provided my the McCarthy family next Friday (TBA)

  • School Banking day is Monday.  Don't forget your deposits!
  • Students need to bring their Library books back on Monday too!
  • ECO on Thursday!  Please let me know if you would like to volunteer.
  • Students need sneakers for PE on Thursday
  • First Trimester ends Tuesday, November 22nd
  • No School November 23-25 (Thanksgiving)
  • Early Release day (12:10) Friday, December 2nd.
Enjoy your weekend!

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