Friday, March 17, 2023

week 27


Dylan brought Giant cookies for Dessert a couple of weeks ago!

This was a fast a furious week, with a larger than expected late winter snowstorm, an unplanned early dismissals, our first concert in 3 years, a planned early release, and Student - led Conferences on Friday!  

We spent the majority of this week getting ready for our concert and organizing and preparing for out conferences.  On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning we walked across the street to the town hall so students could practice for the concert on the stage.  We worked out our stage presence and worked out our final kinks in our songs.  By Wednesday, we were ready for out concert!  That evening, just after the snow finally stopped and the clouds parted, the Town Hall filled with parents, grandparents, siblings, and community members who came out to watch the children as they performed their first concert in over 3 years.  For many it was their first concert ever!  

We also spent time this week preparing for our conferences.  Students reviewed data about reading and math, and choose books and games to demonstrate for parents.  On Wednesday each student did a "Character and behavior" self reflection and then set a goal to work on for the remainder of the school year. On Thursday morning they practiced presenting to their work to a partner who acted as their parent.  As students looked over their data and presented it to a partner I witnessed a lot of pride in the growth students could see over the school year so far.  

In Math this week first grade worked on finding a sum of a number of equal groups using an array and connecting cube trains by applying repeated addition to find the sum.  Second graders added within 100 when shifting one's and ten's (regrouping) is required.  Third graders persisted in solving word problems involving multiplication.  

Next week we will resume our regular ECO schedule.  ECO takes place every Thursday from 9-12.  Students should dress to be outdoors for an extended amount of time.  Next week I need a volunteer who would be willing to get a fire going before we arrive at the campsite. We will likely need to clean out the fire pit, so a shovel will be needed.  Would someone be willing to provide some kiln dried wood for next week so we can get a strong fire going.  We have a special seasonal cooking project / feature lesson planned.  I am happy to announce that Tina Lyon will also be joining us each Thursday as a Volunteers for ECO!

On April 19th we are going to host a Grandparents Breakfast at the Elmore Town Hall.  My hope is that each child who has grandparents whom live locally will have at least one grandparent (or set of grandparents) who will be able to attend. I will also invite some other community members who can stand in for students who do not have a grandparent who lives locally.  It should be a wonderful event for the students! 

That's all for this week!

Please email your school lunch orders for next week.

Family Hot Lunch on Friday, March 24 will be provided by Steffany Mosley! (TBD)

Other Announcements:

  • School Banking is Monday - bring your deposits!
  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books!
  • PE is Thursday - Students need their sneakers
  • ECO - Thursday March 23 from 9-12.  Let me know if you would like to volunteer.
  • Friday, April 7th, Early ReLease (12:10)
  • Wednesday, April 19, 2023 - Grandparents Breakfast @9:00 in the Town Hall

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