Saturday, September 30, 2023

Week 5


At our Open House on Thursday, students and family members shared what they are grateful for on our Gratitude Pumpkin.  We will continue to add to this through out the next few weeks as we enter the
season of gratitude.

We had another amazing week at The Elmore School!  We began our week thinking about our goals for the school year.  We talked about a goal being something you are working toward achieving and developing a plan for how you will achieve your goals.  Each student came up with four goals to focus on.  They wrote them on a soccer ball as a symbol for shooting for a goal.  

We also formally began Writers Workshop this week.  Our first writing unit will focus on writing personal narratives (stories).  This week we discussed the features that make good stories.  Then students brainstormed ideas for stories they could write.  Next they used a graphic organizer to help plan their story.  On Friday many students were ready to begin writing their first draft.  Unlike writing in their journals, we will be working on writing stories for several weeks (using the plan, draft, edit, revise, publish process).

First graders did a Primary Numbers and Operations Assessment (PNOA) this week.  This assessment looks at several areas of math development (counting, symbolic notation, placevalue, computation, magnitude, estimation, comparison, and equality).  This is the first of three times they will take this assessment this year.  

All grades are currently learning about categorizing data, and using and interpreting graphs.  First graders used connecting cubes to represent a data, while second graders compared picture graphs and bar graphs and then compared various bar graphs about the same categories.  Third graders are using bar graphs to solve problems and compare data within the categories on a graph.

We had a wonderful Open House on Thursday night!  Thank you to all who attended.  The children were so excited and proud to share the classroom with you and show you some of their work!  

Next week we will begin ECO!  Students should come prepared to be outdoors for much of the morning on Thursday.  For our first week, we will be staying in the school yard as we practice and learn about some of the basic routines and expectations of the program.  Students will each choose a Nature Name (Vermont Animal) which they will have for the year.  Later in the school year, each child will research their animals to learn more about it and will create a project about their animal.  If you are interested in joining us for this morning (9am-12pm), please let me know.

The following week, we will be hiking to the Beaver Pond along the Ridge Line Trail on Elmore Mountain.  Please let me know if you would like to volunteer to hike with us.

Paige Bowen will provide Hot Lunch on Friday October 6th.  Chicken Noodle Soup and Salad is planned.  

Please email me your school lunch orders by 7:00 pm Sunday.

Other Announcements

  • Library is Monday - remember you books!
  • Students need sneakers for PE on Wednesday. (This week we will have PE in the morning - pack extra socks as the grass will be wet)
  • ECO begins on Thursday September 5th (we will be staying in the school yard this one time)
  • No School - Monday, October 9th (Indigenous People's Day)
  • Field Trip to the Elmore Fire Station - Wednesday, October 11th 
Students have been "rocking out" at recess this week!

We made applesauce together on Friday!

Fun Friday!

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