Saturday, October 10, 2020

Week 5


This week we visited the Elmore Fire Station for Fire Safety Week.  Students were learned the importance of knowing their physical address and phone number when reporting an emergency, as well as planning an evacuation route which includes identifying a family gathering spot.  Students practiced making a 911 call and also identified fire hazards around the home.  They practiced STOP, DROP, and ROLL and crawling under the smoke to make and exit.  Favorite activities included crawling through a maze to get to the firefighter, and going into the fire trucks.  We saw a firefighter dressed in their gear and As Tradition holds,  the third graders got to try on the gear!  Students homework supports what students learned about Fire Safety.  Please work with your child and support them with these assignments as needed.

Back in the classroom, the students had the opportunity to practice getting on Seesaw, Dreambox and  Lexia Core 5 (Gold Cohort) this week. In writers workshop, the Gold Cohort learned how writers use their senses to help their reader envision the story and students have been editing our narratives to make them even.  We also squeezed in small groups this week to work on phonics and guided reading.

In math students have been working on problem solving using the R.D.W. (read, draw, write) process, critical thinking skills, and skill review.   I started doing the PNOA (primary numbers and operation assessment) with first graders this week.

Ms. Walman came on Friday for our first Guidance lesson.  We listened to a book titled Color Monster Goes to School.  Students identified which Zone of Regulation the monster was experiencing based on his feelings and color.  Then they made a craft to follow up.  Monday the Green Cohort will have a visit from Ms. Wlaman.

Students had Library this week.  The next Library class will be on Monday, October 19th when all students will be together.  From that point forward, we will have library on Monday every week (unless we go back to a split hybrid schedule).  Beginning the week of the 19th, PE will be on Tuesday and Thursday morning starting at 8:00.  Please make every effort to arrive prior to 8:00 on these days as we want to be respectful of Mr. Wills time.

Beginning October 19th, ALL students will attend school four days per week on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  Wednesday will continue to be a remote day. I am so proud of all the children.  Each student has done such a great job with wearing their mask (even if they don't like it), washing and sanitizing their hands, and staying physically distanced (as best as possible).  What we anticipated being a challenge, has gone much more smoothly than we ever would have thought.  I am eager to have our whole class together, and feel confident that the practice provided with with smaller groups has laid the foundation for students adhere to our health and safety protocols when we are all together.  One thing we anticipate is longer transitions (to allow time for handwashing and limiting students in the coat room). 

Health screenings will take longer when we have full attendance.  We would like to continue starting our day at 8:00 (especially on Tuesday and Thursday).  It would be helpful for students to arrive closer to 7:30 than 8:00.  We know that waiting will be inevitable, but we will do our best to get students checked in and parents on their way as quickly as we can.  It would be helpful for us to have parents park in the order which they arrive so we know who is next in the line up. The first to arrive should park on the far left (flag pole end) and then progress toward to the right.  Continue to the right until the last space is full.  When the last spot is full or the parking lot is empty (other than Ericka's truck and my car) begin again on the far right.  

Homework expectations will be adjusted when in person instruction increases.  You can expect reading and math homework to continue and we will be adding spelling over the next few weeks.  On remote days students can expect to also have writing, online assignments (Lexia and Dreambox), and some remote Spanish (and possibly some remote music) lessons.  We aim to send iPads the week of the 19th.  You can expect students to bring their iPads home each night so we are prepared in the even that school is closed for unexpectedly.  

There is NO SCHOOL next Friday (Gold Cohort)  to allow time for parent teacher conferences.  I will be sending out Google Meet Invitations to those of you who requested a Google Meet.  Each conference should take no more than 30 minutes.  We will have a chance to check in about the start of school, go over some preliminary assessments, and discuss any concerns (or celebrations) you may have thus far.

Just a reminder for parents who wish to order a school lunch for their child, please EMAIL me ( with your order.  You can check the menu on the LSUU website, however you should NOT ORDER through the website link.  This is different than the other schools.  

Some parents have asked if parent volunteers are now allowed.  The state has not changed the guidelines for parent volunteers in school, so at this time we are still not permitting parents to volunteer in the classroom (or with students).  I know some parents are eager to volunteer.  If these guidelines change, I will let you know.

Next week there will be a guest teacher on Monday and Tuesday for a planned absence due to a routine follow up medical procedure.  I should be back to school on Thursday.  

Book orders are due on the October 13th.

Here are a few more picture from our field trip to the Elmore Fire Station!

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