Saturday, October 17, 2020

Week 6

We've ended our split hybrid school opening schedule. Monday we we move into the next phase of our hybrid learning schedule as we begin four days of in person instruction with Wednesday's remain remote.  I'm eager to have the whole class together, finally.  We will be taking time next week to build our new classroom community, set class norms/rules, and review our health and safety protocol now that we are all together.  

Students will begin taking iPads home this week!  Expectation for "homework" will also change.  Chargers will go home with iPads and iPads should be charged at home each night.  In addition to work folders and book bags, iPads should travel to school with students EVERY day. Students will have nightly reading (min. 10, 15, or 20 minutes per grade), and a math assignment, spelling, or other (such as scholastic news) on Monday and Thursday nights.  There will be more work, including writing and on-line programs, for remote Wednesdays.  Remote menus will now be found and submitted on Seesaw on their students' iPads.  Students will fill out a reading log for the week.  We will keep track of our total reading minutes to earn class rewards.

Remote Wednesday expectations:

  • Morning Meeting via Google Meet @ 8:15 
  • Possible small group or individual Google Meets
  • Writing Journal
  • Reading (at least 10 min. times the grade level)
  • Reading response
  • Dreambox (20 - 30 min.)
  • Lexia Core 5 (20 - 30 min.)
  • Complete Seesaw assignments
  • Play outside!
Please note the new minimum remote expectations for Wednesday attendance:

Students must participate in morning meeting, and /or small group, and/ or log onto Dreambox or Lexia for 20 min., and/or complete SeeSaw (spanish, music, or other) assignments, and/or read and write in their journal.

Please note that these are the minimum requirement for attendance. Assignments are expected to be completed to the best of the students' ability. Recess, or choice time may be used to complete any missing remote / homework assignments, or the work may be added to the next night's homework until it is completed.

Thank you to all who took time out of their schedules to talk with me this week for parent/teacher conferences.  It was great touching base with you and share your child's accomplishments. I appreciate the supportive and constructive feedback I received from many of you.  Please feel free to reach out at any time.  


Library is Monday for all students from now on.  Please help your child remember to return their library books.  

PE is Tuesday and Thursday morning at 8:00.  Please send extra sock and indoor shoes these days.

Health screenings will take longer with full attendance.  Please plan accordingly. We will do our best to get to you in the order you arrive.  We appreciate your patience.  

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