Saturday, May 1, 2021

Week 33

 Students were back in full swing this week after what I hope was a nice April Break despite the snow and somewhat cooler temperatures.  We are in the home stretch for the end of the school year now.  We still have much to accomplish, and experience tells me the time will pass quickly.  Next week third graders will begin practicing for the SBAC assessments which we will begin taking the following week. In May All students will doing the STAR assessment in reading and math, and first graders will be doing the PNOA.  Additionally we will be assessing all student's reading levels. We still have one more science unit to complete, one last writing unit to do where students will write imaginary stories.

We completed our class book this week with all students finishing their final illustrations.  Thursday, I packaged the final work and shipped it out to the publishing company.  We even got Mrs. Anderson to submit a page! Thanks you to everyone for returning your envelopes and for all the orders that were placed.  I'm excited to see our published book!

In Math, third grade explored arithmetic patterns when working with multiples of 9.  They also discovered some handy ways to check their answers.  Second Graders began a new Module focused on adding and subtracting within 1,000 using their place value knowledge.  First graders began subtracting 9 from from a 10 when solving story problems.  

During Theme students have been exploring maps.  On Tuesday students learned about map features and how to make a map.  Students created maps of their bedrooms on Wednesday, and Thursday we examined various maps of Elmore (tax map, survey map, water depth map) to demonstrate the variety of purposes maps have.  

On Friday we had Farm to School again.  Students planted more seeds for our garden, and they painted a flower pot which we will use to grow herbs.  In the next couple of weeks Miss. Molly will be delivering our raised bed which will become our school garden.  Later in May students will be planting the garden. 

We are close to earning our next reading reward!  This week students voted to have a "Beach Day". We will wait until we have a warm day in the forecast.  We will go to the Elmore Beach where we will have a picnic and play games on the beach and build sand castles.  Students will be invited to wear beach clothes but we will NOT be swimming.

In Art this week our focus was Figure Drawing.  Students used small wooden mannequins which they posed to show an action.  Then students learned how to break the figure into smaller shape units as they worked to draw/ sketch what they saw.


  • Library is Monday!  Remember to bring your Library books and activity bags!
  • Tuesday and Thursday are PE at 8:00.  Students need their sneakers! As  the weather allows PE will be outdoors.  It is helpful to have extra shoes to put on after PE!
  • Students should have "indoor" shoes to put on after recess.
  • Mrs. Leopold will be visiting our class in the next couple of weeks to have a music class in person!
  • 3rd grade SBAC Practice next Thursday and Friday
  • 3rd grade SBAC (literacy) Thursday, May 13th and  Friday, May 14th
  • 3rd Grade SBAC (math)  Monday, May 17th and Tuesday, May 18th
  • NO School on Monday, May 31st to observe Memorial Day.
  • The Last day of school is Friday, June 11, 2021.
  • Please email me your lunch orders 
*Sorry...No Pictures this week!  I forgot my camera!

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The End!

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