As Mother Nature was catching us up on some much needed rain this week, we still managed to have outdoor recess everyday. We ended the week with a glorious, sunny day allowing us to squeak in an extra recess and eat lunch outdoors.
This week we began planning for our last writing unit where students will write an imaginary, fiction story. We also spent time doing some special letter writing for mom's, And students began writing memory letters to classmates as we prepare Memory Books given to each 3rd Graders at they leave the Elmore School.
In Math, first graders continued using the "take from ten" strategy as they solved number stories, second graders used the "arrow" method to subtract within 1,000 using units of hundreds and tens, and third graders applied strategies to solve word problems involving multiples of 9.
Elmore 3rd Grade Graduation and Family Picnic/PotluckI'm happy to announce that we will end the year with an in person 3rd grade Graduation and family picnic/ potluck for all Elmore School Families on Friday June 11th from 5-7 pm at the Elmore State Park Pavilion. More information on this celebratory event will be coming in the near future, but please mark your calendars now!
Attention parents of 3rd graders: SBAC: May 13, 14, 17, and 18
Third graders spent time on Thursday practicing for the Literacy SBAC. Plans to practice math SBAC math test have been postponed until Tuesday, May 11th. They will be taking the SBAC literacy tests next Thursday and Friday. One test will focus on reading, while the other will focus on writing. Please assure that you student iPad has a full charge each day. The test is quite lengthy so they will be on their iPad for a while each day. Breaks will be built in as needed during the test. Homework expectations will be lighter next week, and third graders will have their spelling words to practice for two weeks (so no spelling test next Friday for them). As the test is quite rigorous, students should be well rested and fed prior to the test so they are at the best. Keeping a regular bedtime routine and making sure your child has a good breakfast (and snack) will help their stamina and focus.
Other Announcements
- Library is Monday! Remember to bring your Library books and activity bags!
- Tuesday and Thursday are PE at 8:00. Students need their sneakers! It is helpful to have extra shoes to put on after PE!
- Students should have "indoor" shoes to put on after recess.
- Mrs. Leopold will be visiting our class in the next couple of weeks to have a music class in person!
- 3rd grade SBAC Practice (math): June 11th
- 3rd grade SBAC (literacy) Thursday, May 13th and Friday, May 14th
- 3rd Grade SBAC (math) Monday, May 17th and Tuesday, May 18th
- NO School on Monday, May 31st to observe Memorial Day.
- The Last day of school is Friday, June 11, 2021.
- 3rd Grade Graduation and Family Picnic/Potluck: June 11th from 5-7 at the Elmore State Park Pavilion.
- Please email me any lunch orders
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