Saturday, October 30, 2021

Week 9

This week I have just a few announcements for you.  

We have ECO again on Wednesday, Nov. 3rd.  from 9:00 - 12:00.  I currently have two parent volunteers for this week. Volunteers should plan to arrive around 8:50.  This week our focus will be Sun Stories (Shadows, Sundials, Compass Basics).  If you are interested in volunteering on Nov. 17th, please let me know. 

With the funds from our very successful yard sale/bake sale fundraiser last weekend I have purchased a cargo wagon and a cargo sled in which we can pull our materials and equipment to our ECO campsite.  Additionally, I've purchased some rain gear, warm mittens and gloves, and warm socks.  I would also love to have a few extra pairs of snow pants on hand.  If you have a pair of snow pants that your child has outgrown and no longer needs, please consider donating them to the school.

The Sargent Family is on the schedule for Hot Lunch this Friday.  I will let you know what the menu will be.  

Please email me school lunch orders (Mon- Thurs this week).  A reminder, if you request a lunch, I ask that you do not send a lunch from home.  This week there were several lunches that went uneaten.  I will NOT be placing lunch orders for students unless I get an email from you each week.

From Superintendent Heratys' update: sign up for updates HERE

The LSUU School District is excited to announce we are ready to begin the antigen Test to Stay (TTS) program. If you would like your child to participate in this program, please provide consent HEREOnly if your child is unvaccinated and a close contact would this apply but it is important to sign the consent form prior to a potential situation as the system takes at least one day to upload a consent form.

Visit to read more about the TTS progam.

We finally had our first frosty mornings this week.  Please assure students have mittens, hats, and warm coats.  PE continues to be outdoors on Tue and Fri (unless it is raining).  Extra socks / shoes are encouraged.

There is NO school on Thursday, November 11th (Veterans Day) - Teacher Professional Development.

Nov. 23rd.  End of First Trimester

Thanksgiving Break is Wed. Nov. 24 - Fri. Nov. 26.  

Early Release (12:00) Friday, Dec. 3rd.

That's it for this week!  

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