Friday, August 26, 2022

Welcome (Back) to the Elmore School!


Welcome (back) to another year at the Elmore School!  Yesterday I release three beautiful butterflies that broke free from their chrysalises, and it made me think about how you will be releasing your children into school in just a few short days!  Just as the butterflies spread their wings, so too, will your children!

For those of you who have children who are new to The Elmore School this year, this blog will be my way of communicating with you on a weekly basis about our week.  I will update the blog each weekend and will send out an email notice letting you know the blog has a new update.  Please bookmark the page so you can find it easily and go back to when needed.  I will send a link that will bring you directly to the blog each week.  You will also have the option to subscribe to the blog by clicking on the subscribe button at the top of the page.  Please make sure you read the updates each week so you don't miss anything important.  If you need a paper copy instead, please let me know.

I'm so excited for our new school year.  We have seven new friends joining us in first grade this year.  They will be joining our five second graders and five third graders, making a total of seventeen children!  

Before we begin on Monday, I just wanted to remind you all of a few things.

  • School lunch will be available Monday - Thursday (and Friday if there is no one signed up to bring Hot lunch).  Options will be a a choice of PB & J, turkey (or ham) and cheese Sandwich, a Chef salad, or Ceasar Salad.  On Monday and Wednesday (beginning the third week) we will also have a hot lunch option on Monday and Wednesday.   Parents need to let me know if your child will be getting school lunch and what they want no later than 6:00 pm on Sunday before each week begins. Lunches are prepared at MES and delivered to us on Monday/Wednesday.  School lunch also includes a milk and is free to all families (please still fill our free and reduced lunch forms if eligible)
  • Breakfast is also available in the mornings.  This is usually cereal and milk, juice, yogurt or a cheese stick.  You do not need to sign up for Breakfast in advance.  Note:  Breakfast will not be available on the first morning (August 29th).
  • Our specials are:  
  1. Monday: Library (@2:00 - with Mrs. Boudreau)
  2. Tuesday: possibly yoga (with Mrs. Nicholls)
  3. Wednesday: Art or Music (with Mrs. Nicholls)
  4. Thursday: PE (@2:00 - with Ms. Wine)
  5. Friday: Art or Music (with Mrs. Nicholls)
  • Please bring sneakers for PE days (Thursday)
  • Students should have a pair of indoor shoes or slippers they can wear at school.  This helps keep the dirt out of our classroom.
  • Please make sure you have filled out the on-line registration forms ASAP.  You should have received a notice about it from LSUU.  The consent to use technology form must be completed before students will have access to school devices.
  • I will be sending home paperwork to fill out for a background check.  Any adult who plans to volunteer or chaperone any school event needs to have a background check completed and approved every year.  I will send two home with each student on Monday.  Please get these back to me ASAP.
  • Any student who has a planned absence (such as for a family trip or extended vacation) needs to fill out planned absence form and submit that to LSUU central Office for Ryan Hearity to approve.   I have these forms available.
  • School Picture day will be Wednesday, September 14th (first thing in the morning).  I will send home order envelopes before then.  All students will have their photo taken but you do not need to order photos if you don't want to.
  • Arrival in the morning is between 7:30 - 8:00
  • Pick-up in the afternoon is at 3:00
  • If someone other than you will be picking up your child or their afterschool plans change, please send a note with your child.
  • ECO (Educating Children Outdoors) will be on Thursdays this year.  I will let you know the dates as soon as we have a plan in place.  Parents are encouraged to volunteer and donate firewood!. 
  • We will be practicing two safety drills the first week .  "Clear the Classroom" and a "Fire Drill"
  • Students will have "Friday Folder" that will go home on Friday with all their work from the week plus any important notices.  These should be cleaned out and returned to school empty on Monday.
  • We will ease into homework, and I will let you know when this begins.

  • Saturday, September the 3rd, The Elmore School Children will be performing in the Community Talent Show at the Elmore Store as part of the Labor Day festivities.  The show begins at 1:00.  More specific details to follow.  

  • Thursday, September 22nd will be the our Open House.
    • Grade 1: 5:30-6:00
    • Grade 2: 6:00-6:30
    • Grade 3 6:30 - 7:00  
Below is an outline of the Current VT DoH Covid-19 Policy Guidance for Schools.

I think that is it for now!  I'm looking forward to another great year!
See you on Monday!


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