Friday, February 24, 2023

Week 25

The Elmore School were treated to a Tour of the Governor's Office while visiting
The Vermont State House on Tuesday.

We made it to our February/March break and we are just about 2/3 of the way through the school year!  We had an eventful week before break.  Not only have we been busy with gathering some final data for our 2nd trimester mastery report, we experienced a wonderful day in Montpelier visiting the Vermont State House and the Vermont History Museum, we had our second poor weather day (snow day), and Friday we had a visit form Scripps New out of Boston who will be doing a feature story on The Elmore School.  They spent about two hours with us and talked to several of the students and myself and Mrs. Bellavance. They will share the story with me when it is completed. Later, we celebrated our reading reward with a movie and popcorn.

Tuesday morning we loaded on the bus at 9:00 am and headed south on RT 12 to Montpelier.  Once there, we were greeted by a Vermont State House guide who took us through the State House and told us about some of the History of the State House and the artifacts inside it.  Additionally, we saw the House of Congress and the Senate Floor and had a tour of the Governor's Office (at first we were told we wouldn't be able to go in, but then one of the Governors staff invited us in and gave us a tour and even let me sit in the Governor's chair, which as crafted from the wood from the decommissioned  ship "Old Ironsides", and invited the students to pose for a picture around his desk!) After our tour at the State house we gathered our belongings and headed next door to the Vermont History Museum.  First we participated in a handson learning experience, "Become a Historian".  During this activity, students took on the roles of a historian, examining artifacts collected from a historic Vermont farm in Calis, Vermont.  After Lunch students spent time touring the museum exhibits with their chaperones and then had time to shop in the gift shop.  Thank you to our chaperones, who took time out of their lives to spend the day with us.  If you have never visited either of these places, I highly recommend you plan to.  The State House is open to the pubic.  If you plan to visit during the summer, you will be able to see more (but you may miss some of the excitement of seeing  your legislators at work.). There is a small entrance free to the Vermont History Museum, but it is well worth it.  It's possible the Morristown Centennial Library has day passes available.  

Thank you to the Fuller's for providing Mac and Cheese and Hot dogs for Hot lunch on Friday!
Andrea Audet is Scheduled for Friday, March 10th.  Lunch will be Shepards Pie!

Please email me with your school lunch orders for March 8 and 9.  You can find the menu at  Click on Lunch Menu tab and then open the menu for Elem. Schools.  Our usual sandwiches and salads are also an option.  

Other Announcements:

  • School Banking is Monday - bring your deposits!
  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books!
  • PE is Thursday - Students need their sneakers
  • Field trip to MES to see the Tiger Anti-bullying production - Thursday, Feb, 23rd
  • Winter Break, February 27 - March 7 (school resumes Wed. March 8th)
  • Second marking period ends Friday, March 10th.
  • Elmore School Concert, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 @6:30
  • Early release day March 16th  (12:10)
  • No- School Friday March 17th - Parent/Student Conferences 
Students tried their hand at writing with a feather quill following our trip to the Vermont History Museum and learning about how Abraham Lincoln used to write "Hot Letters"  using a quill. 

Tired student took a nap on the bus after a busy day in Montpelier.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Week 24

Week 24 was full of outreach and kindness!  Monday we were busy finishing many projects including making Valentines, 100th Day writing, and our Timelines.  On Tuesday we celebrated Valentine's day by decorating the Post office with over 150 valentines and a banner.  We hope this made many people in the Elmore community feel loved and appreciated.  Two of the Elmore students were featured on the VPR Vermont Edition (click to listen to the show) on Tuesday speaking about this meaningful Elmore Tradition.  Later in the afternoon we exchanged Valentine's with each other and enjoyed cupcakes brought in by Emerson!  On Thursday we continued spreading kindness by writing compliments or aphromations to each other.  We shared how it feels to give compliments or kind messages and then how it feels to receive them.  

Monday I administered the Primary Numbers and Operations Assessment (PNOA) to all the first graders.  This was the second round of the PNOA for the year.  We will do it one more time at the end of the year.  I was blown away by the overall growth that I saw with the student!  Most of the students are at or above where they are expected to be in most areas of numbers and operations.  Great job first graders!  

I have also started assessing reading levels with students.  Again, I'm seeing so much growth since the beginning of the year!  All their reading is really paying off.  We are also doing some phonemic awareness,  sight word, and decoding assessments.  

The second marking period ends shortly after we return from our break.  We will have Parent/Student Conferences on Friday, March 17th.  Scheduling conferences will happen shortly.   Parents should plan to attend along with their child as the children will be taking an important role in these conferences.

We had our final Outdoor recreation (Ski and Skate) at Spruce Peak on Wednesday.  Despite the unseasonably warm weather we had fine conditions for skiing and skating.  We were able to get all 6 of our outings in this year!  I'd like to, once again, thank all of the parents who made this experience possible.  The children showed so much growth in their ability and confidence both on skis and skates! 

On Friday, we began our day with a visit from Mr. Heraty who shared a wonderful book titled Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch by Eileen Spinelli.  This book had a wonderful message of spreading love and kindness and the positive affect that can have on others and the world.  Later in the afternoon we celebrated all of our expected behavior success with Fun Friday.  Students were able to spend three weeks (No school 2/3, and I was out 2/10) worth of tickets at the school store and enjoyed playing games and socializing with their peers.  Fun Friday (especially the store) has become something the children really look forward to and though behavior is still a work in progress, I've seen an overall shift.

A reminder that our Field Trip to the Vermont State House and the Vermont History Museum is next Tuesday, February 21st.  The bus will be leaving the school at 9:00 and will return by 2:30.  Please plan to pack a cold lunch or order a bag lunch from the school.   Students should also have a water bottle for the day.  We will have lunch at the Vermont History Museum between our Hands on Activity and our self Guided Tour.  Chaperone's, please plan to be at the school by 8:50.  

Next Thursday, Feb. 23rd, Chris Conte, a Boston-based News Reporter, and a Cameraman from Scripps News will visiting the Elmore School to do a story about the school!  If you do not wish for your child to be filmed or photographed, please let me know.  In the afternoon, we will be taking a Bus to MES to watch the  TIGER anti-bullying assembly,  Students will return to the Elmore School for dismissal.  

We have been working hard to prepare for our first School Concert which will take place on March 15th at 6:30 in the Elmore Town Hall.  All Students are expected to participate in this event.  A concert is a big deal, and kids will have many different emotions (excited, nervous, afraid...) associated with performing, but please assure them that is normal and they will do great!  As this is a public performance, students will be expected to conduct themselves appropriately.  Students should dress in neat clothes (no sweatpants/athletic pants,  graphic tee shirts, or hats please) and behavior will be emphasised.  Pants and a collared shirts,  or skirts/dresses are encouraged.  Following the performance we will have refreshments.  I will be asking families to bring a refreshment to share.  

MES Kindergarten Registration and Screening

If you live in Morrisville or Elmore and have a child that will be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2023, then we would love to invite you and your child to participate in the MES Kindergarten Registration and Screening. This will take place on Friday, June 9th and Monday, June 12th.  Families registering with LSUU schools (including MES) for the first time need to bring two forms of proof of residency and the child’s birth certificate. Vaccination records should also be brought, and we can make copies.  The entire screening process takes about one hour.  Please call Kris Krueger in the MES School Office, 888-3101, to make an appointment.

Thank you to the Schoelberlein's who provided hot lunch on Feb 10th and to Bethany Sargent who provided Breakfast for Lunch this week!  

Next week Friday Hot Lunch will be provided by Samantha Fuller (TBD)

Please email me you lunch orders by 6:30 pm Sunday using this link.

Other Announcements:

  • School Banking is Monday - bring your deposits!
  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books!
  • PE is Thursday - Students need their sneakers
  • Field trip to the Vermont State House and Vermont Historical Museum - Tuesday, Feb. 21st
  • Field trip to MES to see the Tiger Anti-bullying production - Thursday, Feb, 23rd
  • Winter Break, February 27 - March 7 (school resumes Wed. March 8th)
  • Second marking period ends Friday, March 10th.
  • Elmore School Concert, Wednesday, March 15, 2023 @6:30
  • Early release day March 16th  (12:10)
  • No- School Friday March 17th - Parent/Student Conferences 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Week 23

100th Day projects are proudly displayed in the classroom!

Another week at the Elmore School has passed by!  This week students were busy making Valentines for the Elmore Post Office, we had our fifth day of Ski and Skate at Spruce Peak, and we celebrated our 100th day of School!  Friday, I attended a Math Launch Workshop in Burlington sponsored by the VT Agency of Education and facilitated by the All Learners Network (ALN).  It was the first in-person Professional Development outside the school District that I have attended since the pandemic.  It was a great opportunity to get together with other educator and to share and collaborate with other teachers.  Mrs. Anderson (the former Elmore Teacher) filled in for me.  Hopefully the the 2 hour delay did not disrupt the day too much!

During literacy, reading lessons have been focused on Non-fiction text.  We have learned about non-fiction text features, the main idea and supporting details, the author's purpose, and students have been making connections to self and other text.  During Writer's Workshop students have been working on finishing their final drafts of their informative text books. Soon we will begin doing animal research as students learn about, and write about their "nature name" animals. Additionally, students have been participating in oral phonemic awareness lessons as well is daily phonics lessons.  

This week we celebrated our 100th day of school!  Each student created a project at home which they brought into school to share with the class.  Each project had to have 100 items, creatively displayed.  Students were asked to explain how they counted or planned their 100 items.  As part of out 100th day celebration students also planned and wrote stories about their "100 year old self."  

During Math this week third graders worked on solving word problems involving time, second graders began addition with 3 digit numbers, and first graders began using place value to add within 100.  On Thursday we took a break from our regular lessons to do some 100th day math activities.  

We have a goal to make 170 Valentines for the patrons of the Elmore Post Office.  As of Thursday we still had a way to go, but students have been working hard crafting and writing messages of love and appreciation.  We are excited for next Tuesday to come, so we can hang them on the mailboxes at the Elmore Store.  For those of you who may be new to the Elmore School, this is a long standing tradition that the students and community members look forward to every year.  It is a way for us to give back to the community and hopefully bring some joy to many.

Wednesday we had our fifth day of Ski and Skate.  I had the privilege of going with the skiers for the first time!  I am here to tell you that these are challenging trails, but the children all had such a great attitude.  We laughed a lot, fell a lot, and persevere a lot!  We have one more week of our outdoor recreation outings at Spruce Peak.  I would like to think all the volunteers who have helped us with this program, either by helping us on the trails and at the skating rink, transporting equipment, or providing us with snacks! You are all so appreciated!

I've updated the Ski and Skate volunteer list for next week based on parents who have reached out. Currently, I have Bethany S. and Shawn S. as nordic ski volunteers, and Ashley R. and Paige B (transporting equipment) as skate volunteers.  Snack next week is provided by the Schoeberlein family. 

Please send me an email your school lunch orders for the week at this Link                                        Family Hot Lunch on Friday (TBD) is provided by Bethany Sargent.  

Other Announcements:

  • School Banking is Monday - bring your deposits!
  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books!
  • Wednesday: Ski and Skate - brings your gear and a water bottle
  • PE is Thursday - Students need their sneakers
  • We will celebrate Valentine's Day/World Kindness Week Feb. 14th
  • Field trip to the Vermont State House and Vermont Historical Museum - Tuesday, Feb. 21st
  • Field trip to MES to see the Tiger Anti-bullying production - Thursday, Feb, 23rd
  • Winter Break, February 27 - March 7 (school resumes Wed. March 8th)
  • Second marking period ends Friday, March 10th.
  • Elmore School Concert, Wednesday, March 15, 2023
  • Early release day March 16th  (12:10)
  • No- School Friday March 17th - Parent Conferences Friday

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Week 22


Week 22 was a short four day week and it flew by in a blink of an eye!  We began the week working on our personal timelines.  I very happy to have extra help form a community member, Tina Lyon who has volunteered to help in the classroom now that she has retired from her teaching career.  Students worked hard to finish writing their informational books.  We are very close!  In Math we concluded our unit on Time, and Wednesday we had another successful adventure to Spruce Peak for Ice Skating and Nordic Skiing.  Thursday was Groundhog Day and students made predictions about whether or not the groundhog would see its shadow. It is official!  It looks like we WILL have another 6 weeks of winter! Friday there is no school as teachers have a Professional Development day.

Thank you to our parent volunteers this week:  Shawn Smejkal for transporting equipment and skiing, and Steffany Mosley for joining us at the skating rink, and to our last minute volunteers, Rob Bowen (Skiing) and Caitlin Mahoney (skating), and to Emily Sorensen for providing snack for the group!  It was a chilly day, but fun was had by all and everyone has shown wonderful growth!  Tow more weeks to go!  Let's hope the weather cooperates a bit longer.

Please email your school lunch orders to this link by Sunday at 6:00 pm

Friday Family Lunch will be provided by the Schoeberlein Family on Friday, February 10th (TBD)

Ski and Skate volunteers, Wednesday, February 9th  are Caitlin Mahoney (transporting equipment / skiing)) and Shawn Smejkal (Skiing) and Samantha Fuller (Skating).  If someone else would like to join us for skating, please let me know.  Our snack will be provided by Brittney Sanville.

100th day projects are due on Thursday, February 9th.   It will be a very cold Saturday, so it may be a good time to work on projects!

I will send home a Class list next week for Valentine's Day.

Other Announcements:

  • School Banking is Monday - bring your deposits!
  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books!
  • Wednesday: Ski and Skate - brings your gear and a water bottle
  • PE is Thursday - Students need their sneakers
  • 100th day of School - Feb. 9th - Project are due
  • Field trip to the Vermont State House and Vermont Historical Museum - Tuesday, Feb. 21st
  • Field trip to MES to see the Tiger Anti-bullying production - Thursday, Feb, 23rd
  • Winter Break, February 27 - March 7 (school resumes Wed. March 8th)
  • Second marking period ends Friday, March 10th.
  • Elmore School Concert, Wednesday, March 15, 2023
  • Early release day March 16th  (12:10)
  • No- School Friday March 17th - Parent Conferences Friday

The End!

Our third Grade Graduates! Our last week of the school year was packed with fun, making memories, hot weather, and goodbyes. On ...