100th Day projects are proudly displayed in the classroom! |
Another week at the Elmore School has passed by! This week students were busy making Valentines for the Elmore Post Office, we had our fifth day of Ski and Skate at Spruce Peak, and we celebrated our 100th day of School! Friday, I attended a Math Launch Workshop in Burlington sponsored by the VT Agency of Education and facilitated by the All Learners Network (ALN). It was the first in-person Professional Development outside the school District that I have attended since the pandemic. It was a great opportunity to get together with other educator and to share and collaborate with other teachers. Mrs. Anderson (the former Elmore Teacher) filled in for me. Hopefully the the 2 hour delay did not disrupt the day too much!
During literacy, reading lessons have been focused on Non-fiction text. We have learned about non-fiction text features, the main idea and supporting details, the author's purpose, and students have been making connections to self and other text. During Writer's Workshop students have been working on finishing their final drafts of their informative text books. Soon we will begin doing animal research as students learn about, and write about their "nature name" animals. Additionally, students have been participating in oral phonemic awareness lessons as well is daily phonics lessons.
This week we celebrated our 100th day of school! Each student created a project at home which they brought into school to share with the class. Each project had to have 100 items, creatively displayed. Students were asked to explain how they counted or planned their 100 items. As part of out 100th day celebration students also planned and wrote stories about their "100 year old self."
During Math this week third graders worked on solving word problems involving time, second graders began addition with 3 digit numbers, and first graders began using place value to add within 100. On Thursday we took a break from our regular lessons to do some 100th day math activities.
We have a goal to make 170 Valentines for the patrons of the Elmore Post Office. As of Thursday we still had a way to go, but students have been working hard crafting and writing messages of love and appreciation. We are excited for next Tuesday to come, so we can hang them on the mailboxes at the Elmore Store. For those of you who may be new to the Elmore School, this is a long standing tradition that the students and community members look forward to every year. It is a way for us to give back to the community and hopefully bring some joy to many.
Wednesday we had our fifth day of Ski and Skate. I had the privilege of going with the skiers for the first time! I am here to tell you that these are challenging trails, but the children all had such a great attitude. We laughed a lot, fell a lot, and persevere a lot! We have one more week of our outdoor recreation outings at Spruce Peak. I would like to think all the volunteers who have helped us with this program, either by helping us on the trails and at the skating rink, transporting equipment, or providing us with snacks! You are all so appreciated!
I've updated the Ski and Skate volunteer list for next week based on parents who have reached out. Currently, I have Bethany S. and Shawn S. as nordic ski volunteers, and Ashley R. and Paige B (transporting equipment) as skate volunteers. Snack next week is provided by the Schoeberlein family.
Please send me an email your school lunch orders for the week at this Link Family Hot Lunch on Friday (TBD) is provided by Bethany Sargent.
Other Announcements:
- School Banking is Monday - bring your deposits!
- Library is Monday - remember to bring your books!
- Wednesday: Ski and Skate - brings your gear and a water bottle
- PE is Thursday - Students need their sneakers
- We will celebrate Valentine's Day/World Kindness Week Feb. 14th
- Field trip to the Vermont State House and Vermont Historical Museum - Tuesday, Feb. 21st
- Field trip to MES to see the Tiger Anti-bullying production - Thursday, Feb, 23rd
- Winter Break, February 27 - March 7 (school resumes Wed. March 8th)
- Second marking period ends Friday, March 10th.
- Elmore School Concert, Wednesday, March 15, 2023
- Early release day March 16th (12:10)
- No- School Friday March 17th - Parent Conferences Friday
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