Thursday, February 2, 2023

Week 22


Week 22 was a short four day week and it flew by in a blink of an eye!  We began the week working on our personal timelines.  I very happy to have extra help form a community member, Tina Lyon who has volunteered to help in the classroom now that she has retired from her teaching career.  Students worked hard to finish writing their informational books.  We are very close!  In Math we concluded our unit on Time, and Wednesday we had another successful adventure to Spruce Peak for Ice Skating and Nordic Skiing.  Thursday was Groundhog Day and students made predictions about whether or not the groundhog would see its shadow. It is official!  It looks like we WILL have another 6 weeks of winter! Friday there is no school as teachers have a Professional Development day.

Thank you to our parent volunteers this week:  Shawn Smejkal for transporting equipment and skiing, and Steffany Mosley for joining us at the skating rink, and to our last minute volunteers, Rob Bowen (Skiing) and Caitlin Mahoney (skating), and to Emily Sorensen for providing snack for the group!  It was a chilly day, but fun was had by all and everyone has shown wonderful growth!  Tow more weeks to go!  Let's hope the weather cooperates a bit longer.

Please email your school lunch orders to this link by Sunday at 6:00 pm

Friday Family Lunch will be provided by the Schoeberlein Family on Friday, February 10th (TBD)

Ski and Skate volunteers, Wednesday, February 9th  are Caitlin Mahoney (transporting equipment / skiing)) and Shawn Smejkal (Skiing) and Samantha Fuller (Skating).  If someone else would like to join us for skating, please let me know.  Our snack will be provided by Brittney Sanville.

100th day projects are due on Thursday, February 9th.   It will be a very cold Saturday, so it may be a good time to work on projects!

I will send home a Class list next week for Valentine's Day.

Other Announcements:

  • School Banking is Monday - bring your deposits!
  • Library is Monday - remember to bring your books!
  • Wednesday: Ski and Skate - brings your gear and a water bottle
  • PE is Thursday - Students need their sneakers
  • 100th day of School - Feb. 9th - Project are due
  • Field trip to the Vermont State House and Vermont Historical Museum - Tuesday, Feb. 21st
  • Field trip to MES to see the Tiger Anti-bullying production - Thursday, Feb, 23rd
  • Winter Break, February 27 - March 7 (school resumes Wed. March 8th)
  • Second marking period ends Friday, March 10th.
  • Elmore School Concert, Wednesday, March 15, 2023
  • Early release day March 16th  (12:10)
  • No- School Friday March 17th - Parent Conferences Friday

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