Friday, August 18, 2023

Welcome Back!

 Hello!   I would like to take a moment to welcome back all of our returning students and families and to welcome our five incoming students and their families (most of whom are not new to The Elmore School). As I write this I am listening to the steady rain falling outside, yet again!  I hope that you were all able to find some fun in and around all the rain this summer and that you were spared from the the floods that affected so many Vermonters earlier this summer.

It is hard to believe that we will be back in the classroom in just a little over a week!  Next week. I will be participating in District wide In-service and setting up our classroom to get ready for the students to embark on another school year.  Just a few reminders before next week!

  • Wednesday, August 23rd @ 5:45 pm:  New Student orientation
  • Wednesday, August 23rd from 6:00 - 7:00 pm: Ice Cream Social for all students and families
  • Friday, August 25th:  New student parent teacher conferences.
  • Monday, August 28th:  First Day of School @ 8:00 am (Drop off as early as 7:30).  Pick up @ 3:00.  If your student will be riding the bus home, please send a note indicating such.
  • No School Friday, September 1st and Monday, September 4th - Enjoy a 4 day weekend!
  • Please take a few moments to fill out forms on your Parent Portal at  
  • School lunches and Breakfast are available and free to all students.  Hot Lunch will be offered on Monday and Wednesday along with salads and sandwiches.  Tuesday and Thursday (and some Friday's) salads and sandwiches are available.  Even though lunch and Breakfast are free to students PLEASE also take a moment to fill out a FREE and REDUCED LUNCH FORM.  This is an important step in funding this program.  You MUST email me your lunch orders prior to the beginning of the week.  I will include hot lunch options in my weekly Blog Post or the lunch menu can be found on the website.
  • We will begin Friday Family Hot Lunches (as is tradition at the Elmore School) beginning, Friday September 15th.  We invite you to sign up to bring 2 lunches throughout the year.  Please sign up using this Meal Train link.  
  • Generally students will have:
    • Library: Monday @ 2:00 (w/ Mrs Boudreau)
    • Art or Music: Tuesday @2:15
    • Guidance: Wednesday @8:15 (w/ Ms. Waldman or Mr.Calhoun, alternating)
    • Physical Education: Wednesday (please send sneakers) @2:00 / then1:45 (w/ Ms. Wine)
    • Art or Music: Thursday @2:15
    • Friday afternoon is reserved for Fun Friday (PBIS reward).
  • Students will participate in ECO (Educating Children Outdoors) 18 times this year!  These will take place on Thursday's from 9:00 - 12:00 mid-October through December and again from March - May at the Elmore State Park. Students should have rain coats (and rain pants are helpful), waterproof footwear, warm/waterproof mittens/gloves, warm boots, snow pants and a warm coat for these outings.    Parents are encouraged to volunteer.  Please make sure you fill out a parent volunteer form ASAP.  I will have thee available at the Ice Cream Social and the first week of school.  I encourage EVERYONE to fill these out as you will need this to volunteers or chaperone in any capacity.
  • School photos will be taken in the morning on Tuesday, September 19th .
  • Elmore School Open House will be Thursday, September 28th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm
I think that is it for now!  I am looking forward to seeing you all real soon!

Be Well,

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