Friday, April 19, 2024

Week 31

We hosted our 2nd annual Grandparent's Breakfast this week and had a wonderful turnout!

This was a incredibly busy week leading up to April Break.  On Monday, 3rd graders finished VTCAP testing!  I am confident their effort and perseverance will be evident when reports come back.  On Tuesday we spent the day preparing for our Grandparent's Breakfast.  All of the students participated in some part of preparing the food.  Wednesday morning we hosted our Grandparent's (and other special guests) at our 2nd annual Grandparent's Breakfast.  On Thursday we had ECO in the morning and students took the STAR math assessment (progress monitoring) on the afternoon.  Friday, students took the STAR reading assessment (PM), had a class reward, had Family Hot Lunch and Chinese lessons!  After this busy week, I am sure we are all ready for April Break!

The students have been learning Chinese with Dan Peterson this year!

All of the students have completed their Animal research presentations (on their Nature Names), and nealy everyone is done with their project that will accompany their presentation.  On Thursday, May 2nd  Family members are invited to our "Nature Name Museum" to view students's work in our classroom between 3:00 - 3:30.  

This week in Math first graders completed Unit 4 - Numbers to 99 and took a unit assessment. Second graders are comparing 3 digit numbers using different representations (place value blocks and number lines), and third graders are relating division equations to multiplication equations.  

Our Grandparent's Breakfast was a huge success!  We had guest join us from across the lake; Derby, VT; Salisbury, VT;  Craftsbury, VT; St. Albans, VT; and Even as far away as Massachusetts!  Thank you to everyone for the Contributions to our breakfast, and for helping to facilitate invitations.  Thank you to Tina Lyon for Volunteering her time to help set up and serve food, and to Ray Boutin for setting up the tables and chairs.  

We had a rather chill and damp day at ECO on Thursday morning.  While the State Park is busy finishing up a waterline project we had to relocate to a quieter location this week.  We ended up adjusting out plans on the go, but in the end we had another magical and engaging morning emersed in nature.  Thanks to Ashley Reynolds for volunteering this week!
                                                  I wish everyone a wonderful April Break.

  • Library is Monday - remember your books
  • School Banking is Monday - remember your deposits!
  • Thursday, May 2nd - ECO - let me know if you would like to Volunteer.
  • May 2nd - Nature Name Museum 3:00-3:30 in the classroom.
  • April Break - April 22-26
  • May 14th - Field trip to Shelburne Farms
  • May 27th - No School - Memorial Day
  • Last day of School - TUESDAY, JUNE 18TH  - early dismissal
  • End of year Celebration/3rd grade graduation/ family picnic - Tuesday, June 18th @ The Elmore School from 5:00 - 7:00 pm

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