Friday, April 12, 2024

Week 30

Week 30 was something of a whirlwind!  Students had a shortened week due to the Solar Eclipse on Monday!  What an amazing experience that was to witness!  When students arrived for school on Tuesday there was a buzz of energy with stories being shared about students' experiences watching the eclipse.  One student shared that they were so happy they cried!  That speaks to how special this experience really was to so many who were lucky enough to witness this special phenomena.

On Tuesday 3rd graders were finally able to begin the VTCAP testing.  I want to commend 3rd graders in the effort that I saw them putting into this assessment this week.  Mean while, the rest of the students in school were busy working in the classroom (testing took place in the "kitchen") so quietly that I could hardly tell there were other students in the school!  3rd graders will finish testing next Monday, April 15th.  

In math this week first graders have been working on showing numbers up to 99 using a variety of representations using tens and ones (ex: 67 could be represented with 6 tens and seven ones OR it may be represented with 5 tens and 17 ones) this is building their flexibility around number sense with larger numbers.  Second graders have been working on similar concepts with 3 digit numbers (within 1,000) including expanded form and number words.  Third graders have been representing situations (story problems) involving division.  

On Thursday we had ECO.  This week our focus was on the Eclipse.  Students played a fun tag game, listened to a story about the moon, and created skits about how the eclipse may have affected animals in nature.  During forest choice students enjoyed roasting hot dogs and sweet pepper poppers (sweet peppers with a piece of string cheese inside) over the fire, whittling sticks with peelers, and playing camouflage.  We ended our time with quiet sit spots where students used their journals to documented something they saw at their sit spot while sipping on tea, followed by a gratitude circle.  

students created skits about animal behavior affected by the eclipse.

On Friday we had a guest speaker, Molly Mitchell,  from the Stowe Children's Theater Program visit our classroom.  Molly spoke to the children about some programs the Stowe Children's Theater will be running this summer and did some fun "warm-up" activities with the children.  There is more information about this program in student's folders this week.  

Thank you to everyone who signed up to bring food items for the the Grandparent's Breakfast. Just a reminder to bring all items on Monday April 15th! Thank you in advance!  I could use one more volunteer to help set up tables and chairs on Tuesday after school.  Here is the link to the sign up sheet (or you can just show up on Tuesday!).

Please email your school Lunch orders to me.  There is no Family Hot Lunch next Friday.  You can either order a sandwich or salad for Friday or pack a lunch for your child.  

Other Announcements 

  • Library is Monday - remember your books
  • School Banking is Monday - remember your deposits!
  • Thursday, April 18th - ECO  - let me know if you would like to Volunteer!
  • 3rd Grade VTCAP testing -    April 15  (make up days April 17 or 19) - please avoid scheduling appointments on these mornings if possible.
  • April 16th- EMUU school budget vote!  Please support your local schools!
  • Wednesday, April 17th - 2nd annual Grandparents Breakfast @ 9:00 at the Elmore Town Hall
  • April Break - April 22-26
  • May 14th - Field trip to Shelburne Farms
  • May 27th - No School - Memorial Day
  • Last day of School - TUESDAY, JUNE 18TH (sending state approval) - early dismissal
  • 3rd Grade Graduation and Family Picnic - June 19th @ 5:30 - 7:00 
                                       As always, thank you for your continued support! 


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