We had a busy week as students completed assessments, wrote memory letters to classmates, drafted their stories, and practice using various map features. The weather cooperated this week for us to spend more time outdoors as we ate outside each day and worked in a few extra recesses.
This week we began the week with the STAR assessment, which all students took for both reading and math. This assessment is used across the supervisory union as one of the tool to to help us know where students are along the continuum of learning in both reading and mathematics. It is given in the fall, winter, and spring and measures students' growth over the year.
Third grade practiced for the math SBAC on Tuesday and then took the ELA SBAC test on Thursday and Friday. The ELA assessment is broken into two parts: reading, and writing. Next Monday and Tuesday they will do the Math SBAC test. Please assure that iPads are fully charged for Monday morning! If you find your chargers are not working, please let me know.
There is one more big assessment to do before the end of the school year, and that will be with the first graders as they take the PNOA (Primary Numbers and Operations Assessment). My plan will be to administer this is assessment the week of May 24th.
We finished up our unit on Maps, Landforms, and Communities. We will end the year with one last science unit on the Changing Sky.
Over the next couple of weeks students will finish their stories and writing their final drafts. It has been a tradition for many years to have an Author's Night at the end of the school year year where students share their written stories. As with most everything, things are different this year, and I do not foresee us having an Author's Night. Hopefully this is something we will be able to continue next year (though this may look different than in the past).
3rd Graders who are going to MES next year will spend the afternoon shadowing a current Elmore 4th grader at MES for the afternoon on Thursday, May 20, 2021. Students will leave the Elmore School around 12:50. They will ride to MES with Chris Jolly. At the end of the day, students will either take the bus (home or back to The Elmore School) or they can be picked up by a parent at 2:55. Please return permission slips found in your child's Friday Folder, on Monday.
The children have rocketed to 20,000 reading miles (minutes) this school year have earned their "Beach Day"! We will look ahead at the weather to pinpoint a day for us to go to Elmore Beach for a picnic, games, and sand castle building. If the weather cooperates the week of May 24th, I would like to go then as this is prior to the park officially opening.
Thank you for completing the End of year Celebration form. Plans are in the works to make this a fun and memorable event to celebrate our 3rd graders and the completion of a unusual but great school year. There are a few surprises planned, which I hope everyone enjoys!
Other Announcements
- Library is Monday! Remember to bring your Library books and activity bags!
- Tuesday and Thursday are PE at 8:00. Students need their sneakers! It is helpful to have extra shoes to put on after PE!
- Students should have "indoor" shoes to put on after recess.
- Mrs. Leopold will be visiting our class in the next couple of weeks to have a music class in person!
- 3rd Grade SBAC (math) Monday, May 17th and Tuesday, May 18th
- Thursday, May 20th : 3rd grader going to MES next year visit 4th grade for the afternoon.
- NO School on Monday, May 31st to observe Memorial Day.
- The Last day of school is Friday, June 11, 2021. Dismissal is at 12:00
- 3rd Grade Graduation and Family Picnic/Potluck: June 11th from 5-7 at the Elmore State Park Pavilion.
- Please email me any lunch orders
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