Saturday, November 13, 2021

Week 11


Jason Batchelder visited the school this week to teach us about Homing Pigeons

We have reached a point in the school year where students have settled into a groove.  The know the routines and are able to settle into tasks and transition to the next "thing" with ease.  It excites me when students express their enthusiasm for what they know is coming next whether it be writing and reading,  math, or science.  Likewise, when students are disappointed they have to stop what they are doing, I know students are engaged in their schoolwork.  Yesterday, Superintendent Heraty stopped by for a brief visit while students were finishing up math menus for the week.  It made me pause to wonder what someone just coming into the room would think about what they saw.  As I looked around the room, I saw just about every students working independently on a variety of tasks.  Some students were finishing practice pages or math puzzles, while others were playing a game on the floor or focused on a math game on their iPads.  As students finished one task they seamlessly moved on to another.  Almost no student was working on the same task (unless they were playing a game together).  I  Was able to circulate around the classroom to check in with students or offer help when needed.  While it might look like discord to some, it is just the opposite to me.  This is exactly what a well-orchestrated, student centered classroom should look like and it is harmonious!  

This week during literacy, students worked on final drafts of their personal narratives during writer's workshop.  We began more intentional reading groups.  During these groups students will be exposed to a variety of texts with a focus on a variety of reading skills. While some groups will focus on comprehension, another groups may focus on fluency.  Some groups will function more like a book club, doing a book study where students will be reading a chapter book together.  

During math, level one* students used ten frames and base ten blocks show numbers between 20-50, and how many more ones to make the next ten.  Level two* learned how to find the perimeter of equilateral triangles and squares. Students made connections to doubles facts we worked on earlier in the school year.  Level three* students began learning about multiplication.  These students used arrays and number bonds to break apart and distribute (the Distributive Property) a number into easier parts to solve.  We practiced this process with easier numbers (multiplying by 2, 5, and 10) this week to become comfortable with the process so when we are multiplying by harder numbers we will be comfortable with the concept. 

Wednesday, the class had a special guest speaker.  Jason Batchelder (Sadies father) brought 3 of their homing pigeons to the classroom to teach us about the unique qualities of these beautiful birds.  The students were very respectful and had great questions for Jason.  Each student had a chance to feel one of the birds and every students went home with a feather brought in by Jason.  We even got to choose names for the three birds!

We have begun our first science unit which focuses on Plant and Animal Structures and Survivals.  

    In this unit, students explore how parts of plants and animals are essential for survival. Students will        also make observations of parents and their offspring, determining how they are similar and how their        behaviors help offspring survive. (Mystery Science).  This week week we learned that all animals need     to learn how to survive on their own.  Animal parents (including humans) have the important job of            teaching their offspring how to survive before they grows up. Offspring learn from their parents and        rely on them to meet their survival needs when they are young.  Additionally,  animals have different        behaviors and body parts that help protect themselves from danger. The color of an animal’s fur, feather,     skin, or scales can help them blend in with their habitat. Camouflage helps both prey and predators            survive! (Mystery Science)

On Wednesday we finished our read-aloud, Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo.  On Friday students were treated to the movie, Tale of Despereaux.  This was a 3rd Reading reward of the year!  We are now onto our next summit with reading minutes!  

Thank you to the DiMatto Family for providing Hot Lunch this week!  I also wish to thank the Sargent's who provided Hot Lunch last Friday!  We do not currently have anyone signed up for lunch next week.  If you would like to provide lunch on Friday, November 19th, please let us know.  Otherwise, we will have our regular school lunch options available on Friday.  

We have ECO next Wednesday, November 17th from 9-12.  Our focus will be Giving Thanks.  Jess Wills has volunteered to chaperone.  Please let me know of you would also like to join us.  It is great if we can have two parents.  I'm also looking for a donation of 3-4 pieces of Firewood for the day, as well as some kindling.  

We will be doing Secret Pal projects during the month of December.  This is a very rewarding project; a transition at The Elmore School, whereby each students will have a Secret Pal whom they will design and create a project for.  If you have been looking for a way to help, and you enjoy helping children do crafts and don't mind a little chaos,  please let me know if you would like to join us a day during this time.  We will typically be working on projects during the morning between 10 and 12, but could be flexible depending on your availability.  All volunteers must have completed the background check.  


  • Please EMAIL me lunch orders for the week
  • Library is Monday - please remember to bring your books!
  • 3rd graders need recorders and books Monday
  • PE is Tuesday and Friday - Students need sneakers! Please arrive a little early so everyone can be on time!
  • Trimester 1 ends Nov. 23rd
  • Thanksgiving break is Nov. 24-26
  • Early release Dec. 3rd (noon)
Students find ways to collaborate during a rainy indoor recess on Friday.

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