Friday, November 19, 2021

Week 12


Students stand with their newly named snowplow and Vtrans driver on Wednesday
at the unveiling of the snowplow name "Snowy Owl"

I have just a short update this week as we wind down the last few days before our first break of the school year and the end of the first trimester.  It's hard to imagine that we are already 1/3 of the way through the school year, but here we are!

In literacy students are finishing our first writing unit.  This will conclude with an on-demand writing task where students will do there best to show everything they have learned about writing a good personal narrative story.  

In Math level 1 is currently working on recognizing a quantity between 20-40 using ten frames and base ten blocks (or cube sticks) and how much more to get to the next ten.  Level 2 is focusing on regrouping to make the next ten when adding within 100 ( 26 + 8 = _____ regroups to 30 + 4 = 34), and level 3 is focused on using the distributive property to multiply number up to 10  
(8 X 6 distributed becomes 4 x 6 = 24  + 4 x 6 = 24   24 + 24 = 48 so 8 x 6 = 48). 

On wednesday, the school was visited by Vtrans to unveil the snowplow name, "Snowy Owl" along with our school's name.  During the month of October The Elmore School submitted our name proposal as part of the Vtrans Name a Snowplow Program.  The students spent the morning of October 22nd immersed in democracy as we choose a final name to propose.  We began by nominating names.  When we had several names to choose from, we narrowed our choices down with a "primary". Students were able to vote for their top 3 choices until we had our top 4 names.  Then students were asked to write a persuasive paragraph for their nop name they liked the most.  Students read their paragraphs aloud to the class in an effort to persuade the group.  Finally, we set up a voting booth where students voted by secret ballot.  Students were very excited when "Snowy Owl" won the vote as we recently became the Elmore Owls!

ECO was canceled on Wednesday.  We have rescheduled for December 8th, which means we will have ECO three weeks in a row in December.  If you were scheduled to volunteer this week and would still like to join us, please let me know.  Additionally, if you are able to join us on Dec. 1st or 15th, please let me know.  December 15th will be our last ECO until March.  

Please continue to be diligent about monitoring your students for any Covid-19 symptoms.  If your child has any symptoms, keep them home and attain a PCR Covid test.  Any student with symptoms will need a negative PCR covid test before coming back to school.
  • Please EMAIL me lunch orders for Monday and Tuesday. 
  • There will be no Library or Recorders on Monday next week
  • Nov. 23rd - 1st Trimester ends
  • Nov. 24 - 26 - Thanksgiving Break
  • Fri. Dec. 3rd - early release (12:00) 

I'm so thankful for you all!

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