Sunday, October 29, 2023

Week 9


The view of Elmore Mountain on Tuesday morning this week.

We had another wonderful week at The Elmore School.  We are well into our first trimester and routines are well established.  

During our literacy block, students are participating in Phonemic awareness drills which involves producing rhyming words, identifying and manipulating sounds in words, and matching letters to sounds to read words.  Students practiced the consonant digraphs (sh, ch, th, wh, ph, ck), and learned the vowel teams ee and ea for the long e sound.  On Tuesday we read a Scholastic News (non-fiction) article and Leaf Critters, and we had an impromptu  lesson on responding to a question with a complete sentence.  On Wednesday students took the STAR reading (early literacy for grade 1) assessment to be progress monitored.  And during writing students reviewd the writing process for writing a personal narrative and began the revise and edit phase.  

During Math, grade 1 is continuing with solving word problems that involve addition and subtraction.  Grade two has finished unit one and will take a unit assessment next week.  Grade three is representing and solving for the unknown in story problems that involve multiplication.

Students have been learning about the Government.  This week we learned about the purpose of a government (To keep people safe and help people work together), and we learned about various services that are provided by the government (police, fire departments, libraries, public schools, military), and that all of these services re provided to help people stay safe and help them work together.  

We had ECO on Thursday.  During ECO our focus is on heredity.  Students listened to a story about how Bobcat Got Its Spots, then we had our focus lesson called "Track of the Cat" which focused on inherited traits, adaptations, and learned behaviors. Students compared similarities and differences of wild cats to house cats.  During forest choice We had a Kelly Kettle demonstration and then some students were able to try lighting a fire in the Kelly Kettle, students used peelers to whittle wood, and many chose to make a leaf pile to jump in!  We ended with sit spots - a time to reflect, and a thankful circle.  Thank you to our parent Volunteers who joined us this week!

We began our day with a fun tag game called Cat and Mouse!

Next week will students are invited to dress in a costume during school in Tuesday.  This will be a fun way for us to celebrate Halloween together.  Please consider comfort and safety (of self and others) when sending kids in costumes.  Students do not have to wear the same costume they plan to ware trick or treating.  An older costume or pieces of a costume are just fine!

Third graders received copies of their own Dictionary this week.  These are generously donated every year by the Morrisville Rotary.  Funds from their annual Duck Race go toward purchasing these Dictionaries every year.

Please email me your lunch orders for the week.

Family Hot Lunch next week will be provided by Jen Schoeberlein  (TBD).

Other Announcements

  • No Library next week (do to the Halloween party set up)
  • School Banking is Monday - remember your deposits. 
  • Students need sneakers for PE on Thursday next week
  • ECO  -  Thursday Nov. 2nd  - Please let me know if you would like to be a parent volunteer.
  • Friday, Nov. 10th - No School (Veterans Day)
  • Nov. 20 - 24 - No School (teacher PD 11/20-11/21 - Thanksgiving Break)

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